Trigger Warning



The people who do you the most wicked things are the ones you call homies. In this film, there's betrayal, grief, and good friendship.


Parker is a skilled special forces officer and spy. She's on a mission when she gets a call from the sheriff of her hometown, Jesse, son of Ezekiel Swann, who's running for reelection in the town. Jesse informs Parker of her father Harry's accidental passing. The news hits Parker as a shock, and she travels back home immediately to put things in order while preparing for the funeral.


On her arrival in her hometown, she uncovers some dirty things around Elvis, brother of Jesse, the town's sheriff. She also visits her dad's mine after learning that was where his body was found and discovers that his death wasn’t a suicide as stated by Jesse but rather a murder. This makes her begin to ask questions. In the process of feeding her curiosity, she reconnects with Jesse, who was also her ex-lover, and from there it becomes crystal clear that her father was murdered.


Surprisingly, the people behind his murder are the ones he once took as his own blood. He was silenced so that they could erase their footprints off the illegal path they had treaded.

My Review and Rating

After watching this film, I couldn't help but place Jessica Alba, who played the role of Parker, at the top of the list of my favorite actors.


Parker's skillful use of the knife during a gunfight was applaudable. She devoured the role of the protagonist. I also admire her strength and determination to make sure she got justice for her father. This is something Hamlet cannot relate to. Lol. Btw, Harry didn't deserve to die the way he did.

One thing that pissed me off so much about this film was the Swanns’ audacity to blame Harry's death on old age. They said he was becoming forgetful, which made him forget to put the pin on the grenade that blew him up.

But what was later satisfying was that Parker moved smarter than they ever thought. She connected dots they thought weren't visible, which led to their tragic fall—every single one of them. I'm glad she left no stone unturned. She eliminated the terrorists to whom Elvis sold weapons, as well as Elvis and his partners in crime.

The painful twist of this film was that the person who murdered Harry was the one I least expected.


I also love the ridicule of politics and politicians. Politicians are liars. They all are. Their manifestos are just a means to get them into office. The moment they're in, it's mission accomplished as they completely forget their promises and look forward to feeding their greedy stomachs. The film reveals the corrupt nature of people in the force and those in higher seats.

The film opened up with gripping action and maintained it to the end. Not suitable for younger viewers as it's very brutal. I rate it a solid 4.5/5.

PS: directed by Mouly Sorya. Released in 2024.


Politicians are liars...

You hurt me 😿

My heart 😭😭😭

Where do you guy's see time to watch movies??😞😭


My heart 😭😭😭

Lmfao. I'm so pleased. I feel like stepping on it and crushing to dust the rest of the pieces.

Where do you guy's see time to watch movies??

I'm on holiday dude. I've got all the time in the world 😂.


I feel like stepping on it and crushing to dust the rest of the pieces

I don't think hive condones such acts of blatant violence 😞


It'll be a first.😂😂😂😂😂