The Tearsmith


I was utterly confused watching this film as I tried to grasp the happenings in the film. I think the first thing that made it confusing is the fact that I had to read the subtitle to understand the dialogue. Second is the frequent use of flashbacks and crazy supernatural language.

This film is titled “Tearsmith” and to my knowledge, a tearsmith is supposed to be one who helps people release whatever emotional baggage weighing them down. The tearsmith should only be in a world where people aren't allowed to cry or show emotions and then the tearsmith will help them let it out but in this film, I'm unable to grasp the true meaning behind the title.


After a ghastly motor accident, Nica loses her parents and is taken to an orphanage which she calls “Grave”. Here, she experiences mental and emotional abuse alongside other kids except for a boy named Rigel who was the only kid the head of the orphanage, Margaret adored. She loved him like her own son but he didn't like it there in the orphanage. He felt like he was the monster in the story as he was forced everyday to watch the pain other kids went through in the hands of Margaret.

Nica being the one the story revolved around mostly, was even more abused. On her arrival at the orphanage, her necklace was forcefully taken away from her. Margaret asked Rigel to take it. He pulled it off her beck but kept it safe instead of throwing it away as instructed by Margaret.


Years later, Nica and Rigel, now teenagers, are adopted by the Milligans. In the Milligan's house, their romance blooms as it is evident that even after Rigel shows Nica his dark sides she's unable to stop her heart from racing and her body from shuddering whenever she's in close contact with him.


It is later revealed that Rigel had a soft spot for Nica even while they were at the orphanage but he couldn't tell because he felt like he was a monster and didn't want to hurt her. But being at the Milligans helps them understand each other despite the gloom and bad memories they both have about the place they grew up.

My Review and Rating


Judging from the synopsis I've written, it is evident the film has a good story line but the sequence at which the story came out to play is what I didn't enjoy.

One thing that gave me the vibe to keep watching this film was the cinematography. Weirdly, I enjoyed how it was characterized by a gloomy and dark aesthetic which created a pervasive sense of melancholy and tension.

The film makes extensive use of low lighting, muted color palettes, and shadowy compositions, which together envelop the viewer in an atmosphere of somber introspection. This visual style helps underscore the narrative’s emotional weight, emphasizing the characters' internal struggles and the story's bleak undertones.


Complementing this visual gloominess is a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. One I loved the most was “I love you” by Billie Eilish. The music, often soft and melancholic, acts as a soothing balm against the oppressive darkness. Also, the gentle melodies and ambient sounds not only enhance the mood but also provide a counterpoint to the visual heaviness, creating a poignant contrast that deepens the film's emotional impact.


These descriptions made me watch the film to the end but in terms of storyline, I didn't just like the pacing and childish actions of the characters.

I'd rate it a 3.5/5.

PS: it's an Italian film. You have to read subtitles to understand if you're not a native speaker of Italian language.



Seems like a nice movie.
I do wonder, what made you to go to an Italian dubbed film😂😭😭


TikTok recommendations. Lol. But the aspect of having to read subtitles wasn't stated. They were comparing it with Hardin and Tessa's movie so I decided to check it to see if it was worth the comparison.


Ohhh and was it better than after?😂😂