Just Go With It (2011) || A Delightful Romance Story


When I thought this film was going to be one of those boring American romantic comedies after it was strongly recommended by a friend, I found myself intrigued by how captivating and hilarious it is. The beginning alone was so funny that it sucked me in until the credits rolled.

Synopsis(possible spoilers)

The film opens with a lady and her bridesmaids having random conversations, during which the bride spills too much information about cheating on Danny. She confesses to being with him because of how successful he was and goes further to insult him and his family, calling them ugly because of their noses, which was fat and and almost as long as Pinocchio's.


Heartbroken after overhearing his soon-to-be bride’s confession, Danny calls off the wedding. While drinking away his sorrow, he meets another woman who pities him and makes him feel good about himself. Now a successful and attractive doctor, he still wears his wedding band around women to avoid serious relationships and commitment.


He keeps up the lie about being in a terrible marriage until he stumbles upon Palmer, a beautiful 23 year old with tanned skin, whom he is genuinely attracted to and wants more than just a fling. Unfortunately, Palmer finds the ring in his pocket and questions him about it. He tells her the truth;that he’s not married but goes ahead and lies that the ring belonged to a friend. She doesn’t buy his story and warns him to stay away from her.

To avoid losing Palmer, Danny tells her what she wants to hear, which means lying about being married but saying the marriage is complicated and that he’s finalizing a divorce. To make sure he’s not making up stories, Palmer requests to meet his “wife.”


Danny is caught in a tough spot, but to cover up the lie, he involves Katherine, promising to pay her to pretend to be his soon-to-be ex-wife. He even involves her children at some point to make the story more convincing. But will Danny and Katherine be able to keep up the lies forever?

My Review and Rating

Just Go With It is a 2011 American romantic comedy that I absolutely enjoyed. It’s hard to find movies these days that have you grinning from ear to ear in every scene, and I appreciated this one so much because it really made my day.


I commend the characters for their acting; they all seemed like naturals when it came to making jokes. I especially loved Katherine’s children; gosh, they were so adorable and funny at the same time.

I was particularly excited about the plot twist toward the end of the film. I didn’t really expect it, but I was pleasantly surprised, and my heart couldn’t help but jump as the butterflies in my belly fluttered.

What I learned from this film is that, at the end of the day, it's always the one who knows your ins and outs and loves you regardless. The one whose bad jokes can still make you smile.

Directed by Dennis Dugan, this film’s cinematography is worth applauding. The characters are all naturals, and I loved how fast-paced everything was. There were no dull moments.

PS: It’s rated 18.


Sometimes romantic comedies can seem predictable, but when they manage to surprise, it's a great success. The dynamics between the characters and those unexpected twists you mention are interesting, thanks for the input. 👍


I'm glad you get it. Thank you so much for coming around.