

I wasn’t really sure what to expect going into Ava. All I knew as the premise was that the film had a solid cast; Jessica Chastain, John Malkovich and Colin Farrell, so my hopes were somewhat high for a gripping action-thriller. But what I eventually got was a bit of a mixed bag.

Synopsis( no spoilers)


This film follows the story of a deadly assassin, Ava(Jessica Chastain), who works for a covert black-ops organization. After a mission goes wrong, her employers begin to question her stability and Ava is forced to fend off threats not just from her targets but also from her own team. Along the way, she tries to reconnect with her estranged family, including her troubled sister, all while battling her own inner demons and addiction.

My Review and Rating


First off, Jessica Chastain is a beast in this role. She brings a certain vulnerability to Ava, balancing the tough, calculating assassin with a person who's clearly battling some serious personal issues. It’s a strong performance that grounds the movie in its more emotional moments.


The action scenes are solid as Chastain really leans into the physicality of the role, and the fight choreography is sharp. The scenes with her mentor, Duke (played by John Malkovich), are some of my favorites because their relationship adds more depth to Ava’s character and gives the story a bit more weight than your typical action flick.


But in all honesty, Ava feels like it’s trying to be more than it actually is. The plot isn’t really groundbreaking; an assassin with a conscience gets targeted by her own people. It’s a story we’ve seen a dozen times before. The pacing also feels uneven, with some parts dragging on for too long while others rush through important details. And don’t get me started on Colin Farrell’s character. He’s supposed to be this menacing villain, but he never quite hits that intimidating note for me.


Look, I’m all for a good action-thriller, but this one tries to cram in too many elements like, family drama, addiction and betrayal without fully developing any of them. It feels like the film is checking off boxes rather than digging deeper into the story. There’s also a subplot about Ava’s estranged sister that feels more like filler than anything else. At some point, I was thinking, "Am I watching Ava do what she was trained to do or some random family drama?"


That said, if you’re into stylish action and don’t mind a predictable plot, it’s worth a watch just for Chastain’s performance. But don't expect to be really blown away.

I'd rate it a 3.5/5.

Chastain carries the film with a strong performance and the action is solid. But the plot felt too familiar, plus the film struggles to find its footing between being an emotional drama and an action-packed thriller. Worth a watch if you're a fan of the genre, but it doesn’t quite live up to its potential.

PS: directed by Tate Taylor


Jessica Chastain is always a pleasure to watch in action, and she seems to really own the role of Ava. It's a shame the plot wasn't more original, but sometimes it feels like movies try to cover too much. Good review!


She absolutely did great being Ava. Thank you so much for your comment 💙