The First Slam Dunk --- There's more to it than basketball! <3

I have always been a fan of Slam Dunk ever since I was young. It was around the late 90s or early 2000s when I and my cousins fell in love with it. We'd play basketball after school, then our younger cousin would call and shout from our grandma's place, Slam Dunk has started!. Then, I and my older cousins would then run home and find ourselves with much anticipation in front of the TV.

It's really nostalgic talking about Slam Dunk, but why am I traveling back memory lane again? Well, it's because mama and I recently watched the movie The First Slam Dunk and it brought back all the feels.


Before I talk about the movie, let's travel back time for a bit.

When the TV series of Slam Dunk ended, my cousins and I have always wondered why there wasn't any continuation. We were really looking forward to the Interhigh games, but to no avail. Around 10 years or so later, I got the chance to read the manga and finally knew how the story ended. It was sad that it's over, but the ending was really satisfying... at least for me.

Another 10 years passed and I was flabbergasted when I heard the news of Slam Dunk actually going to continue the remaining part of the manga and bring an end to the anime. I really love the game between Shohoku and Sannoh not only because it was exciting but also because my favorite character really shone!


Yes, one of my favorite characters is Ryota Miyagi. I created this fan art about two years ago when I knew of their comeback. I even made a post in this community back then. You can check it HERE.

I knew from the manga, that I'd be so much into Miyagi again when I see the anime version, but I didn't expect the anime to actually have a flashback of Miyagi's life... Now, let me tell you about it...


Aside from the most awaited Interhigh match, the movie focused on the life of Ryota Miyagi. He and his family once lived in Okinawa (the southernmost island of Japan). He and his older brother enjoy playing basketball.

His brother Sota was his inspiration, so when he lost his brother, he struggled a lot and was at a loss. He just tried to immerse himself with basketball since it was the only thing that connects him to his late brother. Then his family decided to leave the island and live in Kanagawa.


And in the new place, he found Shohoku... of course, it was a roller coaster at first, but everything fell into place. (If you watched the series, then you'd understand the movie better, although the movie provided some flashbacks as well.).

As a long time fan of Slam Dunk, I'm just so happy to see the final chapters of the manga animated. It was the kind of ending that I've always wanted to see for this story. Well, there are additional scenes which weren't originally in the manga (Ryota's life story), and there were information especially with the ending that weren't included (especially about Sakuragi), but it was understandable since the focus of the movie was Miyagi.

I still enjoyed it very much. The game was exciting to watch. You laugh a lot, you cry, you hold your breath... the animation style was also to my liking, although I wouldn't mind the old style. My mama commented that the characters look so much more handsome than the original series. hahaha I wanted to see Sendoh and Fujima in this art style though, I wonder how they might have glowed up even more. <3

Ahh.. I feel like watching Slam Dunk TV series again. I've watched all 100+ episodes twice since it was released on Netflix. haha It's funny how there's a lot of anime to watch, but I sometimes end up re-watching my favorites. They're just so comforting... Do you do that as well? :)

Anyway, I'll end this post here. Thanks for checking it out and see you around! ^^

To track my progress in this quest, allow me to write it here:


oh nice this is a classic o.o. good for sporst with some comedy


It is... Have you seen the movie released 2 years ago?


i think i did.. i eitehr wtached it or couldnt get into it haha i forgot


Maybe it's the latter. :)


maybe i remember the art for the movie was kind of weird compared the tv series


yes... since they used CGI for it. ^^


yes they ruined it. they shouldve taken more time and done it properly


hahaha... it wasn't that bad. I actually liked it. :)
I guess I'm more interested in the story than the art itself.. though art also plays a part.


o.o oh for me i cant do it lol. at least u liked it D:. im happy its new season already. hoping to see next episode of wind breaker


Thought so.. hahaha xDDD
I'm going to binge-watch Wind Breaker!
I already read (am still reading) the manga.. haha


o.o oh wow u read it thats not fair thats cheating wont that ruin the anime for u


I was already reading it even before the anime announcement... 😂


Wahhh, Slam Dunk is seriously one of my favorite. When it comes to Sport Genre, like Haikyuu. I already check this movie before but i dont know why I can't seem to like it. I can't push myself to watch it. Maybe because of the animation. But I'll try again of course. I miss them already so I will definitely check it again.


hit's a matter of preference. I guess I'm just someone who values the story more than the art or animation style? so I could still enjoy it. It's a plus if I like the animation or art style, though. haha

Also, no need to force yourself to watch. hahaha


You're right, i hate myself though for not liking it. I mean, it's my favorite so I should at least watch it. Aigoooo. I feel like i'm betraying our Genius Sakuragi here huhu.


hooiii~ hahaha... don't be too harsh on yourself!
We can't force ourselves to like something. It happens a lot, so chill lang.. haha


I aimed to watch the whole series of the animes being broadcasted on TV back when I was still a child. I have finished Hgost fighter and Fullmetal. I tried the Fushigi Yugi but still didn't finish it. I was also planning to re-watch Slam Dunk since it is the very first anime that many of us have fallen into..Now, after reading got me more curious about how it ended. 😊. Thank you for this!


I want to go back memory lane, too!
I'm thinking of rewatching some of them especially Virtua Fighters, Hell Teacher Nube and Monster Rancher. Do you remember them?

Enjoy Slam Dunk again!!! :D My pleasure... ^^


🥲 Why don't I remember any of the anime's you mentioned...I'll give a try tho! thank you!


They're all shown in GMA before... Virtua Fighters was a weekend anime (I think?).. then Hell Teacher Nube was every Monday... Monster Rancher was shown every Thursday night. ^o^


Nostalgia is the correct word to talk about Slam Dunk, an anime that made me love sports, although in reality soccer is my favorite, I also like basketball a lot.

I'll be honest, I don't like this animation format and that's why I haven't seen it yet, but believe me, I will.

Thanks for sharing. Greetings!


For real!!! It's pretty nostalgic! Yes... I remember you like soccer. We talked about Hungry Heart Wild Striker last time. haha

A lot of fans didn't like the animation style, but I found the difference quite refreshing. haha

You're welcome. :D


I think it's one of the first sports anime I saw back in the nineties. The nostalgia is incredible to see these images, I remember that there was some comedy and love, the animation was top for something so supposedly simple. Good anime, I'm very fond of it.


It's one of the classics... especially under the sports genre! :)


I watched it with a lot of predisposition due to the great amount of bad works done nowadays, however I liked what they did, it was good to see that they took parts of the manga and were faithful despite all the unedited history of Riota. I only found the image of Akagi very ridiculous, nothing to do with what we knew.


it was good to see that they took parts of the manga and were faithful despite all the unedited history of Riota.

This is what I liked the most as well. It's probably because Inoue-sensei himself directed the movie. I've read an article that he was against animating the interhigh part before because the animation studio planned to change it.

I only found the image of Akagi very ridiculous

It wasn't Akagi at all... haha
They looked more handsome, but the animation style made it difficult to show the usual expressions the characters had in the original anime. :)


This is a "G.O.A.T." is animation. This is one of the reasons back then why I went straight from school to home just to watch it.


Hahaha... I feel you!!! 😂😂😂


I love sports anime, but basketball is a sport that holds very little attention for me, however, I plan to give this story a chance, when I have some free time... I've heard wonders about both the manga, and the anime. It's been on my list for a long time, I know I will surely end up loving it! 👌🏼❤️


Ohh... I'm a sports anime fan, too! Which ones do you like?

Slam Dunk is a classic, so I suggest you watch the series. It's quite long, but it's worth it! 😁


I love Haikyuu, it's my favorite! I've also seen soccer, baseball, recently one of Kyudo (I don't know if it's spelled like that) it's like archery... very good too, among many others! 👌🏼


Great!! I love Haikyuu! too... :)
Ohh, is it Tsurune? that's an interesting kyudo anime!
I also love soccer, baseball, tennis... and even not so popular sports like rugby, kabaddi, sumo, etc.
I'm happy to meet a fellow sports anime fan! ^^


This is a wonderfully classic, I watched it when I was a kid. I'm glad that this movie concludes the story, because the anime did not have a proper ending.


Indeed it is! They finally did after 20 years. It was worth the wait. hahaha


Hello sensei, I hope you're doing well.

Well, remember I told you that my exam is around April? Well, I'm still doing my exams, and just when I thought I'd finish them next week, it was undoubtedly extended by one week more. Stressed 🤦‍♂.

Well, for this slam dunk, well, I've only watched Kuroko no basket, but I think this anime will also be good.

I love your art, by the way 😉.


Hey!!! What's up??? :)

Waaa... that sounds tough, but you can do it! After the exam, you have to unwind and live in the anime world for a long tim. hahaha Please take care. :D

Ohh... Kuroko no Basuke is great, too!!! But if you want a more realistic basketball anime, you should check Slam Dunk... and Ahiru no Sora, too! ^^

THank you!!! :D


Please take care.

Kuroko no Basuke is great, too!!! But if you want a more realistic basketball anime, you should check Slam Dunk... and Ahiru no Sora, too!

Wow, that would be great, I'll make sure to try it. Thanks 😊.


By the way, I've started reading a lot of mangas, I'm at the current chapter of blue lock. So interesting.


Blue Lock is awesome!!!!
It's a different kind of soccer, but it's indeed really exciting...
Say hello to my baby Bachira!!! hahaha


Yes, I'll do so. It's very interesting, and I'm now looking forward to the adaptation of season 2.


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me too! slam dunk is life! rukawa is husband! FOREVER ! :D


L-O-V-E Rukawa!!!! He sure is famous!!! :D
I'm more into Miyagi, Mitsui, Sendoh and Fujima, though... hahaha