RE: Howl's Moving Castle: The first 2004-year anime movie that I watched

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When I first watched this as a kid, I was mesmerized by the animation, but I couldn't really understand the story that well. Then, I watched it again as an adult and I was able to appreciate it even more. Howl's Moving Castle is indeed one of the best Ghibli anime there is! :D


I'm jealous because you watched this when you were still a kid. It's really nice when we watch some old anime, right? Ohhh... So you called this kind of movie Ghibli? Now, I have another word that I learned about anime.


Ghibli is an animation studio which produced several animated films like Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Totoro and so on... So, we often call them "Ghibli movies". :)