The Impact Of AI On Jobs (And Art)

Many fear that AI is going to take jobs. It is a valid concern since it is already starting.

About a couple weeks ago that OpenAi introduced ChatGPT 4.o. In the demonstration, one of the things shown was the ability to engage, verbally, in a conversation. It was evident from that point that jobs in call centers will go away. There is no reason to hire people. ChatGPT 4.o can be trained on the company's information and handle almost all the calls that come in. With the exception of the few outliers, the machine can handle this.

It is happening all over the place. The reason why it is not widespread is due to the fact we are just getting started. The technology is in the early stages yet we are rapidly advancing. We will see an obliteration in some industries due to the pace of change that is presented.

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AI, Art And Jobs

One of the major issues is the arrogance of many. They buy into their self-importance and that what they do is special. The reality is exactly the opposite.

For years we heard how AI will not be creative. This is being proven false as we are seeing. Those who are espousing that seem to believe that human input is required to equate to creativity.

Here is the problem with this viewpoint. Creativity is nothing more than taking existing knowledge and rearranging it in a different way.

For example, a musician knows the chords. He or she had played thousands of songs. When coming up with something new, it is using existing knowledge.

We see the same thing with writing a book. Our knowledge of language and the imagery it pertains to is used to come up with things in a different manner.

I remember watching Bob Ross shows as a kid. The guy would start with a blank canvas and, by the end of the show, have a wildlife scene. What is interesting is that he knew how to paint the birds, clouds, ponds, and mountains. He was not creating anything in that sense. Sure, over the years he likely learned some techniques but when he put a painting together, it was simply a rearranging of what he knew.

While AI cannot paint as of yet, it can do a lot of things. This means that jobs which were once thought as too "artistic" are also in jeopardy.

This, naturally, will only accelerate as the technology gets better.

Here is a video that discusses the music industry:

The problem with this is that, while the quality might not be up to the level of many, it is good enough for many. What this means is consider all the places we see music. Does it matter that it is AI generated?

One topic I came across is the idea of producing score for movies. Evidently, there is a site where the jobs were listed. It is now empty. We know Hollywood is turning to AI. This is an example of where we are seeing it.

How often do you focus upon the background music during a film. It is there for effect, to enhance the mood of the scene. This is not a focal point meaning that AI generation if sufficient.

Of course, many will not accept this notion. Well, YouTube disagrees with you.

That platform is the top streaming site. It outpaces Disney, Netflix, and Paramount. For the most part, this is nothing more than social video. Very little on there rivals the movie studios for quality yet people watch.


The short answer is because it is good enough. For 7-15 minutes, it doesn't have to match the quality of a feature length film.

If we want to go a step further, look at TikTok. Those videos are 60-90 seconds and shot on a phone. Yet the platform gets people watching for hours.

But It Isn't Art

Many will claim that AI art isn't art. They will say it is a travesty. One cannot claim to "create" something when a machine did it.

If that is the case, how come people consider photography to be art. After all, if I snap a photo of a family, the machine is doing the work. I press a few buttons, changing a few settings, and presto, I have a family portrait.

Ironic that there was a time when highly talented artists painted those. It is likely why only the wealthiest (and royalty) had then done. The camera allowed many more images to be taken as compared to painting.

Yet someone, even though done by a machine, it is art.

Of course, we NOW take over 2 trillion photos per year. They are abundant. Most are nothing that the world could do without but we take them anyway. We also post them for others to see.

People will fight it to the point they get run over by it.

Disruption can often take place at a slow pace. As shown in the past, Hollywood is in the process of imploding due to disruption. This has nothing to do with AI since that is the next wave. Instead, it is dealing with the fallout of the Internet and the breakup of the monopoly in video distribution the industry enjoyed.

This is starting at the fringes and will eventually move into the mainstream. After all, AI Will Cut Cost of Animated Films by 90%, Jeff Katzenberg Says. We can expect much of this savings to come at the expense of those working in the industry.

Actually, this is why Hollywood is starting to see an implosion. When technology democratizes the ability to create video or music that is sufficient for most purposes, new entrants enter the market.

That is likely what we will see over the next couple of years.

It starts slowly and then will spread. Many industries are going to face the same situation by the end of the decade.

What Is Hive

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We will soon watch the label Made by humans as a brand.

AI will reshape the job market and the economy itself. The question is, will AI create the same amount of jobs that will erase? Will gobal populatio decrease because the new economy reality?


The question is, will AI create the same amount of jobs that will erase?

Not likely. Look at the global labor force participation rate. It has been heading down. This is similar to the US which peaked in 1998.

So it is likely we see this continue as major industries are disrupted.

Ultimately it will generate abundance but it will be with some difficulty before we get there.


What I wonder is; to what extent could we do without what makes a work of art, a musical composition, human. I mean the emotion that is embodied in the artist's work. I would not want everything to have the coldness of the artificial, after all, I am human. However, I appreciate the development of AI. I would just like AI to do the dishes and laundry so we can get on with making art 😉


"Is it art" aside, I think it's the overall trajectory that's bothering me a bit.

It's like that meme I occasionally see, and I want to know why AI is creating art and writing novels... (things I want to do) rather than washing my dishes and doing my laundry?


This is where we have to adapt and figure out other things. Even things like farming and manufacturing are using AI, but it takes people to train and run things as well as maintain machines, etc.

Many of the digital arts and content creation was bound to be taken over by AI. I knew that as soon as ChatGPT launched and the whole AI explosion started. I find it best to figure out how to use it to your advantage. I totally plan on figuring out the whole smart planter thing I have been seeing that uses different electronics and AI to tell you the health of the plant and lets you know basically how to care for it. Could be something cool to eventually build into some of my products and into my farm overall.


I agree 1000%.

Sadly, few think like you do. You are jumping on the 3D printing wagon because it is the future. Where it goes, who knows. However, it is much smarter to be playing there as compared to a host of other things people focus upon.

It is true that we are going to see a lot affected by AI. No matter how much I post, people say it isnt going to happen.


Man, even my uncle who is well into his 50's and is a good ole country boy is talking about AI and how it can be a benefit. We had that discussion the other day actually. He thinks like I do about it, which is actually pretty awesome considering who I was talking to, lol. To be fair, he is also an engineer and lead project manager for the geology company that sets the foundations for pretty much ALL of the Walmart stores that go up, so he isn't a dumb redneck, lol. Now my other family memebers I can't say the same for, lol.


It is actually nice that you brought up that AI can't paint, yet. Since AI is mostly producing digital/software results, when it is eventually combined with a robot, then almost anything that humans can do, can be possible. So while real world art is still safe for now, I don't think it will be in the near future. It will be curious and a bit scary to think what will be left for humans to do when that time comes.


That is very true. The bridge between the digital and physical world will be closed by robots. It is why things can change so quickly. Robots are under the law of IT.


Freelance writers have been losing work to “AI” tools because a lot of the outsourcing has gone back internally.

I stand by the fact what these tools do isn’t intelligence or creative, though it appears so, and I base it on the fact I’ve built them as a developer (nothing as complex or powerful as the commercial tools that are out now).

We don’t even understand human creativity so we have to be careful when applying the term to software that uses training data to “fill in the blanks”

That said, they are useful tools, I just don’t think they should be used to replace what gives us joy, purpose and fulfilment.


We don’t even understand human creativity so we have to be careful when applying the term to software that uses training data to “fill in the blanks”

Certainly there is a lot of reason for caution. But by your own admission, if we dont understand human creativity, how can we not say it is the same. It is true we honestly have no idea how we come up with the ideas we do.

That said, they are useful tools, I just don’t think they should be used to replace what gives us joy, purpose and fulfilment.

This is also true. Unfortunately, that is what people have to determine for themselves and that left the station long ago. People are miserable and it isnt the technology's fault. They have no idea what makes them happen other buying into the foolish society sells, claiming that it is important.


Call centres and creative agencies are among the many industries that the quick speed of AI development is expected to disrupt. AI-designed products are frequently "good enough" for most purposes, even though they might not match the high standards of humans. This has led to a significant displacement of jobs.


yes ai will take over. we can't beat something that is pure logic with no emotion. a lot of jobs will be lost TT we won't even be able to tell whats original or whats ai. what a scary world coming


Why is it scary?


yes it is. maybe you arent afraid because ai cant replace the great taskmaster O.O


We are all replaceable. Those who believe they are so special or their skills arent replaceable get run over by it.

That said, I think the most protected are those like plumbers and electricians since that isnt as easy to automate.


i believe you are special taskmaster. you are like a human ai. everyone thought u weren't real last time when we did those thread wars when inleo was still new TT good times.

I think they will find their way to plumbers and electricians maybe just not as soon as all the other jobs.

I think those that do HR probably not easy to automate. hiring and interviewing people , I wouldn't want that to be done by AI


Oh I agree. They will end up automating those fields too.

But it will take a lot of time. Harder to do that.


exactly so u know whats up. cant wait for ai to help me edit some content creation. can edit me some nice videos~


Even though people are saying artificial intelligence is creating jobs for people and a means of livehood, to me I still think it is making people to lose out on a whole lot of jobs


I strongly believe that at the end of the day, the jobs that artificial intelligence will take away will be much more than the one it will create