RE: The Impact Of AI On Jobs (And Art)

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I agree 1000%.

Sadly, few think like you do. You are jumping on the 3D printing wagon because it is the future. Where it goes, who knows. However, it is much smarter to be playing there as compared to a host of other things people focus upon.

It is true that we are going to see a lot affected by AI. No matter how much I post, people say it isnt going to happen.


Man, even my uncle who is well into his 50's and is a good ole country boy is talking about AI and how it can be a benefit. We had that discussion the other day actually. He thinks like I do about it, which is actually pretty awesome considering who I was talking to, lol. To be fair, he is also an engineer and lead project manager for the geology company that sets the foundations for pretty much ALL of the Walmart stores that go up, so he isn't a dumb redneck, lol. Now my other family memebers I can't say the same for, lol.