RE: The Impact Of AI On Jobs (And Art)

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We are all replaceable. Those who believe they are so special or their skills arent replaceable get run over by it.

That said, I think the most protected are those like plumbers and electricians since that isnt as easy to automate.


i believe you are special taskmaster. you are like a human ai. everyone thought u weren't real last time when we did those thread wars when inleo was still new TT good times.

I think they will find their way to plumbers and electricians maybe just not as soon as all the other jobs.

I think those that do HR probably not easy to automate. hiring and interviewing people , I wouldn't want that to be done by AI


Oh I agree. They will end up automating those fields too.

But it will take a lot of time. Harder to do that.


exactly so u know whats up. cant wait for ai to help me edit some content creation. can edit me some nice videos~