Two at Best

Another crap season almost over.

I got within 20 points of Champion I, but am now risking falling back into Champion III. It is pathetic, or perhaps I am pathetic - but I have the absolute worst RNG luck, game after game. I have shared some of my battles in the KOG Guild channels, and one of my guild mates recommended I create a new account and transfer my cards over there. I am not sure if he was joking or not, but it wouldn't be hard to hobble an individual account's playing ability...


It would be interesting if all card starts were stored on the card too, so it would be possible to see which and whose cards are under- or overperforming. My blight definitely doesn't reach the 50% poison chance, nor the affliction. Or poison in general. Or Retaliate.

They miss a lot though.

But are rarely missed.

I think that if I had the "luck" of some of the people I play against, I would be doing pretty well. You know, where Coerl Lurker can actually dodge something, or my high-speed cards can hit something. Or "scatter shot" hits something other than the taunt card. It is nigh impossible for me to get any kind of win streak going, because it is generally ended by some kind of RNG luck.

What a waste.

I have been looking to max some of my Rebellion cards, since I don't have near a maxed set from my purchases. However, I am being "slightly" more strategic with it than I have in the past, though only slightly. The packs I bought got me enough to for instance get regulars to about 8/10, rares to 6-7/8, Epics 4-5/6 and Legendaries (with a bit of swapping with a friend) are maxed.

So, what I have done is looked at the cards that I play that gain an extra ability at max, or if a key card that I am likely to use, get more attack. some of the abilities are quite interesting. For instance, the no-attack, 2 mana cards:


I just maxed Albahoo Forester

These cards gain some ability at L10, for example, Daigendark Surveyor gets Stun.


This is a useless ability by itself as there is no attack, which means it needs to be combined with some kind of weapons training monster, for example, Moxian Rebel.


This can work well in low mana rounds, or magic only, if lucky to get some stuns, which I generally am not. But, a couple times I have used it to good effect, with for instance, Chaos Agent behind, and my normally useless Blight at the Back. That is a total of 11 mana, and provides, 8 magic attack, with two of the monsters with camouflage, the other two quite quick, with a reflect and a stun thrown in. Combined with Kelya for a total of 15 Mana, and there is also a Shield and an extra touch of Speed. There aren't many magic reflection monsters in Modern now, and no magic reflect summoner.

These cards have helped make Weapons Training far more useful than it was, but it would be interesting perhaps to have a reflect ability that for instance, had a chance of stunning an attacking monster on the reflection.

Also, Waka has also become far more useful than he was earlier, because there are low-mana monsters that have either ambush so they attack before the round starts, or scattershot, so they can potentially spread poison far and wide. For example, this sucker has scatter and double strike, with plus 2 attack at only 4 mana.


Though, my Waka barely spreads poison most rounds.
Must have been trained by my Blight.

With Christmas and holiday, I played a lot of rounds this season, but am quite disappointed I didn't make it into the top Champion League. While I get plenty of games wrong, I do think I am a better player than my ranking indicates and it is often the RNG that kills me. But, I am sure everyone feels that way, right?

Well, another season will soon be knocking on the door tomorrow and I won't have enough Energy Credits to be close to full, so I should probably just rest until the new year starts instead.

Perhaps for 2024, the restrictions will come off my account.

That is a joke.


[ Gen1: Hive ]


Oh, you are good, I am just levelling all common to 4 with 5 next, and so on, on rebellion. then rare, then epic, then legendary.


Will you max them all eventually, or pick and choose as you get closer to the top?


Don't know yet, i am thinking to max all common rare, then most needed as epic and legendary are too pricey. But i need them at least gold level.


I think I am going to end somewhere in Diamond 1 which is usually where I end up. I have heard from a lot of people lately that they don't think their poison and things like that have been hitting as often as they should be. It seems the random number gods aren't being kind to a lot of people these days!


I have heard from a lot of people lately that they don't think their poison and things like that have been hitting as often as they should be.

It has been about a year for me. It is insane at times. The other day I did the math on one of my "failed to retaliate" games, and the chances of getting hit 8 times and not getting on retaliate, is 0.0039 - 1 in 300 chance.


Yeah, that's pretty ridiculous!


The RNG is sometimes the bane of my existence but great job up in Champion!


It can be frustrating for sure!


Me: Ok... This lineup looks favorable... I have a 90% chance of winning...

RNG Gods:



Are you sure you weren't talking about my RNG luck when you were discussing misses and abilities not proccing? I do think that a lot of players feel they have the worst luck, but there are a lot of times where we hit an attack and didn't realize that it was very low chance, and forget it. I'd like to believe that my account is not so special that the game has it out for me haha. I hope our RNG luck gets better next year.


Oh, I have been paying attention! I really would like to see the stats on some of these cards and plays, compared against others. I am sure that I miss a few where luck falls in my favor, but there is a lot of insanity in some of them.

I'd like to believe that my account is not so special that the game has it out for me haha.

Matt and I have some history - maybe he still holds a grudge! :D


I won only 207 out of 427 battles. I am scared to think how bad that record would be had I not bought level 3 MIMOSA NIGHTSHADE and leveled my HYDRA to level 3. I need to do better...somehow. Now instead of gabling my HBD away on dice I put them in savings. hopefully this will allow me to buy level 2 SCARRED LLAMA MAGE by the end of 2024...


Have the prices on U come down a lot? I assume so since they are out of Modern. I don't play wild at all now.


I bought MIMOSA NIGHTSHADE for (75?) now it says that estimated value is 264. Not bad... cheapest SCARRED LLAMA MAGE level 1 now costs 69.50. I wish Hive would reach 3-4 dollars then I could power down a bit more and buy SCARRED LLAMA MAGE.


Splinterlands has been tough. I haven't been doing as many fights because I have been losing so much and I am having a rough time aiming for Gold league before it ends. I did like 20 matches and barely went up 100 points. I need another 100 before I get to my goal also...


Will you make for a final push to see if you can get there?


I made it after doing 42-43 fights for the night.


You seem to be very good at the game
You did well
Keep it up!


I was witness to Dr. Blight getting affliction on the first hit that led to his narrow victory over me. Maybe it was the first time, who knows?! I haven't made it back to Modern Champ 1 in a few months now, it is quite challenging to get over the hump of 4300 ranking!

I would agree that those 2-mana commons are great additions with weapons training. I also like rare the life monster with two attacks + repair, as well as the immunity monster with opportunity. I'm still just now exploring new tactics after mostly just getting the hang of the promos and weapons training combos.


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