🎬 📹 The anime outside Japan🎬 📹



A while back a friend told me that he was watching Arcane, that he thought it was very good. I told him that yes, that in fact, for me, it was one of the best series that came out that year, that it's sad that many people haven't seen it just because it's about LoL, to which he nodded, but he made a very interesting remark: Arcane is not a series, it's an anime. I thought it was very strange to hear that, but after debating a bit and looking it up on the internet, I realized that my friend was right, Arcane is an anime and anime can be productions from different countries. With that in mind and having seen today MFKZ, an anime movie made in France, I can't not talk about some anime that are out of the concept of anime that we all have in general.

Hace un tiempo un amigo me dijo que estaba viendo Arcane, que le pareció muy bueno. Yo le dije que sí, que de hecho, para mí, era una de las mejores series que salió ese año, que es triste que muchas personas no la hayan visto por el simplemente hecho de ser sobre LoL, a lo que él asintió, pero me hizo una acotación muy interesante: Arcane no es una serie, es un anime. Me pareció muy raro escuchar eso, pero después de debatir un poco y buscarlo por internet, me di cuenta de que mi amigo tenía razón, Arcane es un anime y los animes pueden ser producciones de diferentes países. Con eso en mente y habiendo visto hoy MFKZ, una película anime hecha en Francia, no puedo no hablar de algunos animes que están fuera del concepto de anime que tenemos todos en general.



Obviously, surely the first series that comes to your mind if I say that anime can be from all over the world has to be Avatar, since it does count as an anime and it is more than an anime. When I first saw the last air bender I did think it was an anime, but that was because I saw it in my childhood and didn't know how to recognize it; for me, even Ben 10 was an anime. With time, and when it was explained to me (wrongly, by the way) that an anime was Japanese animation, I grew up thinking that Avatar was not an anime, but that it was possibly the best Anglo-Saxon series ever made, because you can see all the love they put into the story, the characters and the animation.

Obvio, seguramente la primera serie que te llega a la cabeza si digo que los animes pueden ser de toda parte del mundo tiene que ser Avatar, ya que si cuenta como anime y además cumple con creces ser un anime. Cuándo vi por primera vez the last air bender si pensé que era un anime, pero eso fue porque lo vi en mi infancia y no sabía reconocer; para mí, hasta Ben 10 era un anime. Con el tiempo, y cuándo me explicaron (de forma errónea, por cierto) que un anime era animación japonesa, crecí pensando que Avatar no era un anime, sino que era, posiblemente la mejor serie anglosajona que han hecho, pues si se nota toda el cariño con el que hicieron tanto la historia como los personajes y la animación de la misma.


Winx, which is from Italy, can also be considered an anime, as can Castlevaina the Netflix series. It is undeniable how much Japanese animation has done for culture in general and for history how to create a whole genre, type of animation, or, also, to take over a word and twist it until it becomes theirs, how it also happened with the word Otaku, which ends up being used wrongly for everyone, since having oriental origin, it is believed to be used only to describe a person who is obsessed with anime, but the truth is that it is simply used to describe someone obsessed with any medium in pop culture.

Winx, que es de Italia, también puede ser considerada un anime, al igual que Castlevaina la serie de Netflix. Es innegable lo mucho que ha hecho la animación japonesa para la cultura en general y para la historia cómo para crear todo un género, tipo de animación, o, también, para adueñarse de una palabra y tergiversarla hasta convertirla en suya, cómo también pasó con la palabra Otaku, que termina siendo utilizada de forma errónea para todos, ya que al tener origen oriental, se cree que se utiliza únicamente para describir a una persona que está obsesionada con el anime, pero la verdad es que es simplemente utilizada para describir a alguien obsesionado con cualquier medio en la cultura pop.



Also, although I said I wasn't going to recommend it, there is The Boondocks, which is an incredibly good series that anyone could enjoy. A series ahead of its time and that uses that characteristic animation to show the “adventures” of some brothers of color in a United States that reminds me too much of Atlanta. Like these, there are actually many anime that are outside the canons of being a “Japanese animation”, there are even several Korean and Chinese anime that right now are giving what to talk about, however, the important thing in the medium, beyond all the animation and references that can be had on the oriental culture, is the story, which mostly ends up being what the anime is characterized and excels.

También, aunque dije que no iba a recomendar, está The Boondocks, que es una serie increíblemente buena y que cualquiera podría disfrutar. Una serie adelantada a su época y que usa esa animación tan característica para mostrar las “aventuras” de unos hermanos de color en una estados unidos que me recuerda demasiado a Atlanta. Como estos, existen la verdad muchos animes que están por fuera de los canones de ser una “animación japonesa”, incluso hay varios animes coreanos y chinos que justo ahora están dando de qué hablar, sin embargo, lo importante en el medio, más allá de toda la animación y referencias que se pueda tener sobre la cultura oriental, es la historia, que mayormente termina siendo por lo que el anime se caracteriza y sobresale.




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It will always be an interesting debate to determine what is anime and what is not, and the issue of the region is undoubtedly a mitigating factor, although the answer will surely be purely technical. What is certain is that anime is of Japanese origin.


The style of drawing yes, but the Word in question is French, The same thing happens with the word otaku. Being a word of Japanese origin, when it came to the West the concept of anime changed to refer only to Japanese animation, but in Japan it is used to talk about any type of animation. Likewise, the Anglo-Saxon concept of anime was already sown in the culture and now refers to both Japanese animation and any other country that tries to emulate the Japanese style.


Certainly the word anime can be taken to something more general, the concept fits, it's interesting that, because I am part of those who thought it only referred to the Japanese animation style.

The animations you review in your post are great, I saw Avatar and I loved it, from the beginning I perceived it as an anime. Best regards my friend, it was great to read you 🤘... You Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️


Thanks so much dude!!! and yes for an American animation Avatar is VERY japanese hahahaha.