CineTV Contest: Friends from school

Hello, everyone,
It is a pleasure to be participating in the Cine TV contest #120 which also doubles as my first post in this community.

Peer pressure has been one of the biggest challenges that children face since time immemorial. Be it in kindergarten, primary, secondary, and even tertiary institutions. In fact, it is a plague in the general society that a good number of us have had our experiences with.

The question is, how do we curb or manage it? Cause, it appears it can not be eradicated even if we tried!

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Amara, obsessed with being with the TDL (The Divas’ Deluxe), a group of three girls from her class, perceived to be influential and having lots of social media followings.

The group led by Bella, Amara would then be subjected to lots of embarrassing, controlling, and demeaning tasks in order to qualify to be part of them.

Against all pleas by Amara’s best friend, Fifi, to beware of the girls, Amara would then find herself seeking retribution for all the atrocities the group made her commit, including getting herself in serious trouble



This was interesting, though slow. The duration was impressive 1hr 41mins, but it felt longer. Maybe it’s just me!

As for Amara, I have no words for her Like…who does that! What was so special about the TDL girls that she would do crazily stüpid things just to be accepted into their midst?

Anyways, that was the core lesson of the movie. To teach kids that they are enough for themselves. You don’t need friends to feel good about yourself.

In as much as it is good to have company or friendship as part of developing social skills and interpersonal relationships, children should learn to first love their own company!

I love how holistic this movie was. As opposed to some other high school movies I’ve seen in recent times that seem to focus more on the teenage love fantasies that are prevalent, this highlighted the challenges of bullying and the pressure to feel among as experienced by school children.

This is a worthy watch, albeit there are flaws as with most. There are hardly any perfect movies.

Overall, i loved the fact that everyone got a consequence of their actions! Not
everything ends in a good way. There
are some regrets we live with for life
It was a good watch for me.
A beautifully told story with a compelling message.

I’ll give this a 6/10 mostly for the inherent lessons.


Thanks for stopping by


Dounds like an interesting tale packed with life-long lessons. Thanks for sharing and good luck in the contest!

Posted using CineTV


It's an interesting one, i assure you.
Thank you so much.