(ENG/ESP) The Craft / Jóvenes brujas


Hello all movie lovers! Today I come to recommend one of my favorite movies of all time. I remember it fondly, since its effects and plot seemed super amazing to me at the time it came out. I liked it so much that no matter how many times it was shown on television, I didn't hesitate to watch it. Now that I've seen it again, not only has it reawakened in me the feeling that it is one of the best movies I've ever seen, and as you can imagine, I've already watched it several times ha ha. Also, I'm sure that many of the girls that they came to see The Craft, dreamed of having some magical power or being part of some occult group... Wasn't I the only truth? ha ha


The story revolves around a teenager named Sarah Bailey, who suddenly moves to another city, so she finds herself in the process of adapting to her new life. She has always been alone, because since she was little, she has noticed that strange things happen around her, so she hopes that things will change in her new home. That way at school, she runs into a trio of girls, Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle, who are nicknamed by the rest of the students as "the witches." Faced with a warning from one of the popular kids, Sarah tries to stay away from those strange girls and try to fit in at school.




However, the trio of girls soon approach Sarah to try to join her in their circle, confirming the rumors that they are involved in the occult. At first, the girl lets herself be carried away by the others and by sharing with them, she begins to feel pleased by their friendship. She gradually participates in the rituals and realizes that she contains a power that the other girls have been waiting for for a long time.




After performing an invocation spell, in which the forces of nature participate, the girls begin to realize that everything they had asked for is coming true. But, the teenagers overlooked one of the basic spiritual truths: "Whatever is done, comes back in triplicate," so in the end, they will have to face the consequences of their desires.




! [Click to read my opinion about the film] In my opinion, it is an excellent film. As I mentioned, I can watch it as many times as I like without getting bored and that doesn't happen to me with all types of films. It goes far beyond the nostalgia that the film generates in me.
The actresses do an excellent job, especially the character of Nancy, I think she was the crush of many ha ha but her bad girl attitude, with a difficult family life, makes you understand the reason for her attitude . As with the rest of the characters. You can see who they are and what their suffering is, in a direct way and without having to resort to unnecessary scenes. You understand then why they seek refuge in magic, in order to escape from the situations that overwhelm them. Sarah, always being isolated by her powers, finds a place in the girls, since they accept her despite everything strange that happens around her. I think that the way the girls' relationship develops is very well constructed, as is the thought that like-minded beings attract each other.
The special effects at the time were one of the most outstanding elements and even to this day, they still look quite decent in my opinion. I remember that when I was little, I marveled at this so much that if I had had someone to recreate it with, I would have tried to do some of the practices that I saw in the movie ha ha
The Craft is a film that, despite the passage of time, continues to fulfill the objective of a story, which is to keep the viewer glued to the seat. I recommend it if you haven't seen it yet, you won't regret it 😉


ACLARATION: The images used here were obtained by me through screenshots taken from the film.


Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting.

Until next time!



¡Hola a todos los amantes de las películas! Hoy vengo a recomendarles una de mis películas favoritas de todos los tiempos. La recuerdo con cariño, ya que sus efectos y trama, me parecían súper alucinante en la época en que salió. Tanto me gustaba que sin importar las veces que la pasaban por la televisión, no dudaba en mirarla. Ahora que he vuelto a verla, no sólo volvió a despertar en mí el sentimiento de que es de las mejores películas que he visto y como se imaginarán, ya me la he mirado varias veces ja ja Además, estoy segura de que muchas de las chicas que llegaron a ver Jóvenes brujas, soñaron con tener algún poder mágico o formar parte de algún grupo ocultista... ¿No fui la única verdad? ja ja


La historia gira en torno de una adolescente llamada Sarah Bailey, la cual se muda repentinamente de ciudad, por lo que se encuentra con proceso de adaptación a su nueva vida. Ella siempre ha estado sola, debido a que desde pequeña, se ha dado cuenta de que cosas extrañas ocurren a su alrededor, por lo que espera, que las cosas cambien en su nuevo hogar. De esa forma en el colegio, se topa con un trío de chicas, Nancy, Bonnie y Rochelle, las cuales son apodadas por el resto de los estudiantes como "las brujas". Ante la advertencia de uno de los chicos populares, Sarah trata de mantenerse apartada de aquellas extrañas chicas y de buscar de encajar en el instituto.




Sin embargo, el trío de chicas no tarda en acercarse a Sarah para tratar de unirla a su círculo, confirmando los rumores acerca de que realizan ocultismo. Al principio, la chica se deja llevar por las otras y al compartir con ellas, empieza a sentirse agradada por su amistad. Participando gradualmente en los rituales y dándose cuenta de que encierra un poder que las otras chicas habían estado esperando desde hacía mucho tiempo.




Luego de realizar un hechizo de invocación, en el cual participan las fuerzas de la naturaleza, las chicas comienzan a darse cuenta de que todo lo que habían pedido, se va haciendo realidad. Pero, las adolescentes pasaron por alto una de las verdades espirituales básicas: "Todo lo que se haga, se regresa por triplicado", por lo que al final, tendrán que enfrentarse a las consecuencias de sus deseos.




! [Clickear para leer mi opinion sobre la pelicula] Según mi parecer, es una excelente película. Como mencioné, puedo verla las veces que sea sin aburrirme y eso no me ocurre con todo tipo de filmes. Va mucho más allá de la nostalgia que me genera la película.
Las actrices hacen un trabajo excelente, sobre todo el personaje de Nancy, creo que ella fue el crush de muchos ja ja pero su actitud de chica mala, con una vida familiar difícil, te hace comprender el porqué de su actitud. Al igual que con el resto de los personajes. Puedes ver quienes son ellas y cual es su sufrimiento, de una manera directa y sin tener que recurrir a escenas innecesarias. Comprendes entonces porqué ellas buscan de refugiarse en la magia, con el fin de poder escapar de las situaciones que las agobian. Sarah, al estar siempre aislada por sus poderes, encuentra en las chicas un lugar, dado que ellas la aceptan a pesar de todo lo extraño que ocurre a su alrededor. Opino que la forma en que se desarrolla la relación de las chicas está muy bien construida, así como el pensamiento de que los seres afines se atraen.
Los efectos especiales en su época, fueron uno de los elementos más resaltantes y aún a la fecha, siguen luciendo bastante decentes a mi parecer. Recuerdo que de pequeñas, me maravillé tanto con esto que si hubiese tenido con quien recrearlo, hubiese intentado hacer alguna de las practicas que vi en la película ja ja
Jóvenes brujas es una película que a pesar del tiempo, sigue cumpliendo con el objetivo de una historia, que es mantener al espectador pegado al asiento. Se las recomiendo si aún no la han visto, no se arrepentirán 😉


ACLARACIÓN: Las imágenes aquí usadas fueron obtenidas por mí a través de capturas de pantalla realizadas a la película.


Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!



I think I have seen this movie before on free TV but I already forgot the whole plot.


Haha it's understandable. It happens to me with movies that I saw a long time ago and only once, but with this one, I saw it so many times that I remembered the plot despite the years and I have a bad memory 😆 Thank you very much for reading my publication and for commenting 😊💚



Welcome. It is a good thing that you can still remember the plot.


Good movie that I remember fondly. I loved it at the time, especially the look of actress Fairuza Balk. I think they made a remake or are going to do it, I'm not sure, I'll look for information on the internet.


Do they really did a remake? I would also like to look for information about it, although on the other hand I am afraid because in most cases remakes are usually disappointing.


o they really did a remake? I would also like to look for information about it, although on the other hand I am afraid because in most cases remakes are usually disappointing.

No te preocupes, según yo leí, el remake fue descartado. Así que no hay que temer de que arruinen una película tan buena sólo por generar ganancias 😌


I really miss these types of films that were completely good. As I read, they were planning to make a new version but even Fairuza Balk herself said it would be a bad idea. We know what happens with remakes, there are very few that are saved from surpassing the original or barely equaling it, due to all the changes that are made to adapt them to current standards. The public has changed and if you change the plot to please them, you lose the essence that it once had... or at least, that is what I think ha ha thank you very much for having read my publication and for commenting 😌💚



Despues de verla no soñé con formar parte de un grupo ocultista pero sí debo admitir que muchas veces practiqué el hechizo "Ligera como pluma tiesa como tabla" 😆 🤣


Jajaja yo no tenía amigas de niña, estoy segura de haberlas tenido, hubiésemos intentado hacer aquel hechizo de la pluma 🤣 Muchas gracias por visitar la publicación y por tu comentario 😊💚
