CineTV Contest: The Truman Show



Jim Carrey is one of the best comedic actors of the 90s. From Ace Ventura to The Mask, he never fails to deliver laughter to everyone watching. But if we're talking about his most memorable film, for me, it'd be something different than the usual genre he's known for. I remember him mostly for The Truman Show.


The Plot
Truman Burbank is a middle-aged office worker living in the peaceful and simple town of Seahaven Island. One day, as he goes along his daily routine, a stage light suddenly fell from the sky. He then gradually became suspicious of everyone around him including his family. As it turns out, his entire life was a reality show and he was the star. He was broadcasted 24/7 for the whole world to see.
He then makes a daring escape in order to discover the truth to his life. In the end, he reaches the boundaries of the giant dome that he was enclosed in. The creator of the show makes a final plea for him not to leave but he was set to break free from the lies of his life.


Although The Truman Show has some comedic elements like the numerous moments the actors try to force product placements when interacting with Truman, it focuses more on the tragedy of learning that his life is a lie and being forced into a reality show that he did not chose to be a part of. This was the first time that I saw Jim Carrey portray a role quite different from his usual characters. I was blown away by the range of his acting skills from being suspicious, confused, sarcastic, desperate, and finally the perseverance to escape the deception.


Since the 90s was the time when reality shows were growing in popularity, The Truman Show gives a stern warning of what could happen if corporations tried to push the boundaries of what is humane and ethical in the name of profit. I remember that there was a Japanese reality show that had similar elements to The Truman Show and it drove the participant to the brink of insanity. You can check the video here.

Another lesson that we can derive from the movie is that we should not be too focused on the confines of our daily lives. It's like we revolve around sleep, eat, and work especially those who are in the city. It reminds us to not shy away from new things, to explore more of the world, and to look at things from a different perspective.

This is my entry for the weekly Cine TV contest. If you'd like to join, you can visit their official post here.


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This movie is amazing. Nice choice for this contest round.


At a time when Jim Carrey was world famous for his hit comedy films no one knew how great he is at acting in this great film. The role he plays, the development of his character, the story and the entire plot itself make it one of Jim Carrey's most worthwhile works to see. It is one of my favorites, without a doubt.

Excellent review and recommendation.