CineTV Contest | The Ocean...... A Beautiful Thing


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This post is an entry to the CineTV Contest #107, You can check it out here!

A Movie Set Off The Shore!

Lucy Whitmore lives in a old but nice house that sits just off the river bed in Hawaii. there is a long pier that stretches from the land to out over the water. Lucy lives with her father & brother who have devoted their lives to her.

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50 First Dates

You probably ask, 'how can you have 50 dates with the same person for the first time'? It's really a simple explanation but not a so simple life.

"Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry thinks he’s finally found the girl of his dreams until discovering she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the next day." Source

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Henry Roth is a man of many talents…….
Adventurous romantic caring & loving…….
Every woman’s dream ………
It seems that every woman that has spent some time with Henry is blown away at the adventure he shared with them.

However, Henry is just a man with a dream that he's been building for at least 10 years. He works at the local aquarium when he's not working on his dream.

When his boat breaks down, things are stalled and while waiting for the coastguard to tow his boat he goes to the local diner to kill time. A glare of light from his side view sets his attention on Lucy, one of the locals who's in for breakfast, he’s wordless. He watches her as she builds a tepee out of her waffles.

He returns to the diner the next day and sits just a both over as he watches her make a different type of house with her waffles & when he goes over & suggest something to make the door of her house work, they connect & she invites him to sit with her.

They walk out together and she invites him back for breakfast, tomorrow. But when he goes back for breakfast & he approaches to talk, she freaks out & says “I’ve never met you before” and call the diner's cook (Nick) for help.

Nick is a really big guy & he grabs his meet clever but is stopped by (Sue) the diner's owner who says she will take care of it. Sue then takes Henry outside & explains what happened & the reason that Lucy doesn’t remember him.

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A Day In The Life Of Lucy Whitmore

After breakfast at the diner, Lusy returns home whereshe paints a huge picture on the wall of her father's office. She then bakes a pineapple upside down cake, sings happy birthday to her father & gives him a gift, A video tape of the movie 'The Sixth Sense'. They sit down and watch the movie, she says goodnite to her brother & dad, & goes to bed.

This is everyday of her life. You see, Lucy has amnesia……
Everyday is October 13th to her and it's her father's birthday. The crazy part of this is that this situation also affects everyone else in the house.

While Lucy paints & cooks, Dad & son watches a tape of the Vikings game that played that day. And it takes a lot of work & patience to go along with this. Can you imagine doing the exact same thing everyday, watching the same football game and movie over & over.

This also takes a lot of work to keep up the charade day after day. Dad keeps a stack of news papers from the day she's stuck on & gets a new one out every night after Lucy goes to bed. the brother gets a pineapple out of the freezer, where they have tons of them waiting. And the biggest job of all is that the two of them has to paint the office wall white again for the next day. He takes pictures of what she paints before they paint it white again.

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Back To The Romance & Other Things

All though Henry is warned to stay away by Sue, he makes a bet with nick, that he can convince her to have breakfast with him again. After 3 days & him making a complete fool of himself, he wins the bet. Oh and each day was double or nothing, so he wins $80 bucks!

Also, Sue tells Nick that if Henry hurts her she’s gonna kill him with the meat clever.

After a little spat because she’s disappointed that he just said bye & didn’t try anything else, she blows him off. He follows her home to apologize & is greeted by her father who stops him & warn him not to see his daughter at the diner anymore, he then come up with ways to interact with her away from the diner.

Suddenly the father notices that when she runs into Henry, she comes home & sings while painting her picture. Since something seems to be different about Lucy, Marlin thinks that maybe Henry is a good influence for his daughter, Marlin drives out on the road & finds Henry & tells him to come by his house "when he's done playing his little kidnapping victim crap" on Lucy. (50 First Dates, 2004)

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Lucy Learns The Truth

With the father's reluctant approval, Henry returns to the diner to try and connect again. They are interrupted when Lucy sees a cop writing her a ticket for expired tags.

She’s arguing with the cop & says she’s not paying the ticket and grabs a paper from a man’s arm & sees that it is now a year later than she thinks & drives home to confront her father.
They tell her what has happened & Lucy is distraught. She also finds out that her & Henry has been dating.

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The Break Up

Lucy learns of Henry's plans before they met & feels it's unfair to give up or put off his dream just to be with her, so she ends the relationship to free him from being obligated to her.

The Voyage

About a month later He’s off on his voyage & while listening to the beach boys disc from Lucy’s father, he suddenly realizes that she somehow remembers him. He heads back to get his girl.

Now, nearing the end of the movie, to say or show much more would give the whole movie away. You’ll have to watch if you want the whole story.

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Stars From 50 First Dates

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My Interactions With The Ocean & How This Movie Relates To Me

As memory serves me correctly, most of my interactions with the ocean goes back to my childhood days of when my family would visit the beach for usually a weekend vacation or sometimes just a day out. We would go to the beach & have ice cream waffle sandwiches, boardwalk fries, lemonade. salt water taffy & other delights of treats. The thing I loved besides the treats was the water. the thing I disliked the most was having to stumble to through the sand just to get to the water.

As I got older where I was able to go to the beach on my own, it was very rarely that I did because of the sand. I did however go a few times just to take my kids when they were younger so they could have the experience of the beach.

There are two factors that relate to me & this movie. First is the romance. What could be more romantic than getting married at/near the beach?

The last time I was anywhere near the beach was in 2010 when I got married. I got married at Virginia Beach Wedding Chapel just a few blocks from the boardwalk & beach. It wasn't a big wedding, just some of my children and my brother-in-law. My eldest son gave me away & I didn't have a full blown wedding party.

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My Wedding, Reception & Picture @ the beach

After the ceremony, we had a small reception at a local bar-b-que place called 'Jakes'. Then we walk the boardwalk for a while but did not go in the water. I did have my wedding dress on & Walter (my husband) had on a white suit. Besides, I did not want to go through the sand.

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The second factor that I can relate to in this movie is.......
The memory thing. No, of course I don't have amnesia, but I have had a problem with my memory for at least 10 years now. I like to think it's just due to age (and no I'm not that old) just over 60. However, I noticed way back when that my short term memory was starting to fade. I was in college working on my Masters' & found that I was having trouble retaining new information. After struggling with that & fail a couple of classes, I stopped going to school. Now I have trouble remembering what someone says to me just 5 minute ago. I often play things off & say that I have a selective memory. If it's not important to me or doesn't affect my life, I don't always remember. For what is important to me I have to write it down so I don't forget it. Having a cell phone where I often take notes or have my calendar with important dates is how I remember things that are important to me. I learn more so by repetition now. Things do get harder as time goes on & family don't always understand. Most know me for remembering everything & always reminding them, but now they have to remind me.

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NOTE: This movie was inspired by a true life story. You can find the story of Michelle Philpots here.

This is a condition that only few people in the world suffers from and is real. The name of the condition was changed in the movie. Anterograde Amnesia or Amnestic Syndrome is what it's called but the movie called it 'Golfield's Syndrome'.

Thanks for reading my really long & hope you enjoy the clips!!

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My Wedding collage made in Canva with their background & my pics.


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