Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on titan) finale

"Shingeki No Kyojin," popularly known as "Attack on Titan," is indeed one of the most innovative shonen stories of the 2010s, with significant breakthroughs in both its manga and anime adaptations. Its beautiful aesthetics, immersive atmosphere, spectacular action scenes, well-crafted dialogues, intriguing character development filled with intense suspense, an excellent soundtrack, and a thespian plot that evolves in a way that it feels like a whole new story towards its conclusion, especially in the intricacies and foreshadowing. The creators of the anime demonstrate such mastery that re-watching the original seasons becomes even more enjoyable than the first experience. Truly, one of the most polished, artistic, and enjoyable anime series of our generation.

However, when it comes to the recent developments in the anime, the transition from its inception to the 1st Movie Special released last March was remarkable. The anime's plot and character development remained excellent and introduced new themes, with a significant focus on Eren's turn towards pursuing genocide. While this change might have seemed abrupt on the surface, it made sense when considering his internal traumas and the events that led to this turning point. The anime started to resemble a blockbuster World War II movie, and despite the initial adjustment, it turned into a spectacular experience.

Fast forward to yesterday, when I watched the ending. I had been eagerly anticipating this movie-episode for months and was glued to my seat for its entire 1-hour and 30-minute duration. The third episode-movie that practically concludes the anime and encompasses the last three manga characters didn't meet my expectations. The plot took a back seat, bombarding the viewer with exposition to provide answers to unexplained mysteries. Some of these answers felt unnecessary and even contradicted earlier themes in the story. The main conflict's resolution came across as rushed and ultimately lacked the impact I had hoped for.

However, despite the ending not meeting my expectations, "Attack on Titan" remains one of the best animes ever aired. It managed to provide a great ending to an overall outstanding anime series.


for me this episode was quite good. The first movie had issues with the CGI, most of the fights were covered in dust for that reason as well, but this time studio MAPPA, did a good job. Regarding the plot i think most of us expected the ending but what seemed awesome in my eyes was that Eren was not the the cold blooded murder who seemed to be, instead he still always thinking about his friend and as was more human than we though.

Especially, when he said to Armin that he wants Mikasa to never forget him and that he does not want to die. Also it was quite amazing that basically the creator showed that even though most of the humanity eradicated, and a lot of people made so many sacrifices after many years everything was forgotten and again new wars occurred, showing the never-ending war nature of humanity!

The only thing in general that i did not like in the whole anime, was the long waiting periods before the next season or movie. Most of the time due to that i had forgotten what exactly happen and could not feel that much for the characters even though the dialogs were quite emotional.


It seems as if we were all agreeing to talk about Shingeki, it was a long few years, I remember the first time I saw it was a few years ago just a few months before the premiere of the 2nd season, I must say that it is one of the few anime that has impacted me from the first episode. I didn't like things about the ending, but no show is perfect, I still appreciate Shingeki

Shinzou wo sasageyo!


I had no idea it actully had an ending. Now that it does I'll most likely check it out as I always hear about people talking about it saying to check it out. As long as it's not like game of thrones ending lol


To be honest I really liked that final chapter, very appropriate for that masterpiece, the soundtrack they used was one of the things I loved the most.
Although there are many people disappointed by the ending but I guess they just expected a happy ending.


I haven't seen it, I'll have to make a point to find it on streaming.


Can't wait to watch it tonight. I've heard it's pretty good.


I understand what you say about the ending, it is not the most striking or the one that leaves us more satisfied, but in spite of that, the great thing about this series is that we have enjoyed it just the same.

Personally I didn't like the white titans or that Zeke suddenly changed his perspective from one moment to the next just because of an encounter with Armin, that certainly changed the course of the battle.

Anyway, this is what it is and it is not entirely unpleasant, the epicness was always present.


no todos los finales quedan de la mejor manera, pero no significa que en su proceso no haya sido bueno, si le falto algo más jeje concuerdo con ello.

not all endings are in the best way, but it doesn't mean that in its process it wasn't good, if it lacked something else hehe I agree with it.