Code 8

So, I recently watched "Code 8" on Netflix, mainly because I wanted to give Stephen Amell, the guy from "Arrow," a shot in a different role. Gotta say, it was an okay watch, but I wasn't jumping out of my seat with excitement. Let me break it down for you.

First off, the movie had some cool special effects and decent acting. I mean, it's always fun to see some flashy CGI, right? And Stephen Amell did his thing, which was cool to see outside of his usual superhero gig.

But here's the thing, the storyline left a bit to be desired. It felt like they were trying to tackle some big issues, like racism and social inequality, by using this whole meta-human thing as a metaphor. But it didn't quite hit the mark for me. I mean, sure, it's interesting to think about what would happen if people with superpowers were just regular folks trying to get by. But the way they executed it felt kinda off.

Plus, there were some plot lines that were just way too predictable. You know, the whole "trust me" instead of just explaining what's going on? Yeah, that kind of stuff. It made the movie feel a bit dull at times.

Overall, "Code 8" was a decent enough watch, but it didn't exactly blow me away. If you're into sci-fi and don't mind a bit of predictability, you might enjoy it. But if you're expecting something groundbreaking, you might want to lower your expectations a bit.

P.S : Some days ago they released a sequel I am going to watch it probably some point in the follow week but I don't have high hopes.

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Decent movie compared to a lot of the crap it was a ok watch where I didn't feel like it was time wasted that I would never get back. 😂


Yes if there is nothing else to watch then it is just fine ! Time will pass without getting bored


Code 8 was a good movie, but I believe the sequel was better than the part 1. From my point of view, the part 1 looked like a low budget movie. Even though it had a good storyline, but the effects were not something to write home about. These errors were corrected in the sequel.


I am going to watch it probably tomorrow and I will write about part 2 too


That'd be fine. Please when you do, tag me, I want to know your point of view too
@raven.tony is my username