Be Safe being Animals [Movie Theraphy]

Movies does leave a long lasting impression in our society. Many people get inspired from the scripts and actor performaces that they like to replicate them in real life. But there are always two sides of the coin, so does the movies. They have the postive aspect as well the negative aspect. It is solely on the audience to consider the takeway from the movei. there are few who only consider movies as a way to entertain. but the problem arises when people start acting on the movies subject. But do we really need to inspire from the movies? Do we really need to consider a film artist our role model.


A movie has been a great source of entertainment since many years. With the change of time many things have changed and so does the movie concept. I remember in earlier times the movies were made on social issue or family issue. With the passage of time, the movies content are more of fiction based and the director glamorize them with lot of vulgar content just to earn money. It is no more a source entertainment or art for the director, it is now more of the money making business model. And the audience unable to realize these getting fooled with the glamorization.

Yesterday, I was watching a new movie "Animal" which is in news for different reason. While the consider it as a pure entertainment. I find it a bag of vulgarism, adult talks, and extreme bloodshed. The starcast include some big bollywood names, who are the role model for the young generation. After watching the moveies, i was wondering what excatly are the takeaway from the movie and what kind of impression it will create in the mind?

The movies portrays a violent world intertwined with the complexities of the strained relationship between Father and Son. The son is depicted as protective and obsessive about his father's love. An anti-hero who would go to any lengths to protect his father, including gunning down 300 people with machine gun


Many movie experts, critics and viewers have criticized the content. There is nothing wrong with the subject, but the movies is labeled as misogynistic and graphically violent. This is ongoing trend in the movie industry, that if the director does not have a storyline, or situation, they build up any thing around Violence and Sex to sell it to the audience to make their profit.

The movie content are more of on blood shed and contains a lot of vulgarism and sex talks. This is not the first time, we have such movies,, but the movie theme is silently changing day by day, which the movie goers unable to identify. It is human psychology that, too much of something will be harmuful. this is what we get to see in the movie now a days.

Movies uses to a be a good source of entertainment with family. Earlier the movies are made on social causes or family oriented, but now the are more of the adult theme. The actor-actress are the role model and audiences uses to copy them. But the way, these filmstar are portraying their role, it is going to spoil the entire community. Smoking cigarettes', adult talks, violence are not part of our culture and tradition. But these filmstar are now making them as part of our society. By doing so, they are spoiling the new generation and also make fun of our culture. Those talks which remain between the friend are openly been screened on movie theatre.

Talking of the movie "Animal", it is garnering a lot of applause for its action sequence mostly by the youth. The movie is performing well in the box office. But how far such action are valid in our society or what it images such violence is creating in the audience mind?

the hero taking on 300 odd man with an axe in hand. Handling a muti barrel gun to bring down the whole building is complete nonsense. vulgar dialogues, adult talk etc all are part of the movie.


These are not the way our culture are associated with. These are really offensive way of exploiting our culture. The people watching them always try to imitate them in real life. As movies always leave a long lasting impression in viewers mind, the new generation watching them replicate the content in their family or with their friends. Someway spoiling the complete relationship.

These actor and actress are crossing certain boundary for the sake of viewership. Unable to understand that their act may influence a larger section of society which contains mostly the youths. There is no more censorship on such movies. There was a time when the film board, did not made a song public because it has "SEXY" word in its lyrics. Now the time has changed so much that, it is too common and many other words beyond these are used in films.

There is no controllership any more an the standard of movie is deteriorating. At the same time the youth are considering the content as swag thing and easily adapt them in real life. Unable to differentiate, what is good or bad for them.

Our society live in digital age, and they assume them to be very realistic no matter how the world lives in real. They have not seen the real social life and in some way killing everything little we left in our culture or tradition. Better to avoid being an animal in real life.


Namaste @steemflow


Movies often show real life issues, but there are people who take these issues to the extreme and create idols in reference to them.... it is true it is better not to be an many questions I have about this....


you can shoot the question, let see if i can answer... i do not have have sharp mind as you have😉


Shouldn't we often learn from animals?


we learn from them, but there is nothing to learn from human who turns animal


The evolution of our soul depends on us.


There are sometimes some movies that are just into making money. The sad truth ,.yet there are still that are good.

The title itself animal if in my country that already means violence, like a human without conscience. Indeed an animal 😬


thats true, but i think the audience needs to get mature, enough to understand, how the film industry is cutting their pocket, like the way the craze for TV have been vanishing, it wont take much time to see the theatre will go away


Movies uses to a be a good source of entertainment with family. Earlier the movies are made on social causes or family oriented

Yeah, most of the movies now not good for kids making it difficult for families to watch together. Before then every family member would sit and enjoy a home cinema but it's a different story all together.


Sometime it create a pretty awkward situation in middle of family....there is no family oriented cinema now


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