Influence of cinema on children, personal thoughts and parental guidance


Participation in the Hive Naija Weekly Prompt

Hello hive Naija friends, this is my first post in the community and I hope it will be the first of many, my intention is to bring content of value and learn from the experience of others.


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My childhood and television

I am a person of a certain age 😆, I would say I am at the perfect age, as I can share with young and old people, I have a bit of both worlds. When I was little, the only distraction I had was TV and the only two TV channels in my country. There was no cable TV or the thousands of channels that exist today.

I hardly watched cartoons or children's programs, I watched very few, I preferred to watch movies about any subject, my favorite genres were and still are suspense, action, and true story movies, I could watch whatever I wanted at any time, since I always fulfilled my school and domestic obligations, so I had no limits, plus the national television was careful with the programming and never put anything compromising, so my parents did not worry about what I saw.

Almost every weekend I watched movies and that's where my love for cinema comes from. I like it and I enjoy it a lot, I think you can learn about the world by watching movies, even if they are fiction stuff 😅.


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If I had children...

Things nowadays have changed, with the diversity of TV channels and the internet you can find any NSFW content, meaning of its acronym: (not safe for work), even without looking for it can appear on screen.

Humans are beings that constantly learn from the environment and we do it through the senses, sight is one of the most important in my opinion and that is why I consider that what we see is of utmost importance, especially when an individual is being formed and his or her criteria is under construction.

Observing, guiding, caring and watching are the new tasks that parents should practice with their children, in everything they see, whether it is on TV, cell phone or computer. Being a responsible parent implies knowing what the children watch and guiding and influencing the content they enjoy, in order to prevent them from being misinfluenced.

I don't have children, but if I did, this would be an important issue in my family. The guidance in movies, of course, would assess their maturity and tastes and, depending on those characteristics, would be my flexibility. Being a parent nowadays is not easy at all, that's why I give my admiration to those who play this role with love and responsibility.


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Do you think it is important what children see on their devices?

What actions would you take to guide them in this aspect? I would like to know your opinion, so we can learn from your thoughts and techniques with your children.

I say goodbye thanking you for your time and support, until a future post. See you in the comments.

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Of course we have to be aware of what our children watch, especially now that the television offer is diverse and even cartoons are also made with adult themes.
I only watched a couple of hours of TV in my childhood, because I didn't like the rest of the offer. On weekends if we watched movies with dad, even though they were often repeated, it was the time to share with him a moment of relaxation.