The Acolyte Episode 2 – Key Moments and Theories - RECAP



Today, I’m going into Episode 2 of the TV series Star Wars: The Acolyte, this episode with the title “Revenge/Justice” for the most part refers to what is Mae mission, we finally get to know why she is doing all after killing Master Indara, the episode does give some context to the story on all sides from the twin sisters to all the Jedi involve on the day their family was wipe out by the fire. The story goes on with May, who is on a quest to kill four Jedi whom she believes are behind the fire that burnt down her coven of witches and her sister Osha without knowning that in fact Osha is alive and wants justice for the fire because she thinks it was Mae, makes me think if someone setup Mae to cover up some dirt under their rug?. This creates a rather intricate plot where both sisters act based on their own definitions of right and wrong but most important from the story that they were told, they both have things confuse and who cause all this confusion? not only fight scenes and action are ramping up but the drama is also getting more interesting.


Key Characters and Their Motivations

Mae and Osha

Mae is on a mission of vengeance for what she believe happens during the fire, at this point since I don't know whats what I have to take this position of doubt although I'm starting to believe there is some truth behind Mae motives since the Jedi are not too clear on this. Mae visits Master Torbin who she try to fight but the Jedi Master has been silent meditating for the past 10 years, at first she tries to attack him but his force is too strong and she had to take another approach, give him an option, "the acoylite kills without weapon..." I'm starting to believe that The Acolyte makes reference to a demon or a trickster like Loki in the MCU, fucks with your mind just as she did with Indara distracting her and now did with Master Torbin.

Osha, however different than her sister Mae, is a character who is motivated by justice, she thinks that May caused the fire and is the only responsible for all the deaths but most important despite that happen when they were very little so far she had not come to peace with this thought and is reminded by her previous master, Master Sol, one of the reasons why she drop Jedi. Her goal is to prevent May from killing anyone else, at least that was the goal at the beginning of the episode. The relationship between the sisters also gives the story an emotional aspect as both are tortured by their past and their perceptions of what the other has done.

Master Torbin

Master Torbin is hands down guilty, at least is the only Jedi so far that tells straight up to Mae's face that he was sorry for what happens when Mae visits him for a second time and instead of attacking him she gives him a poison from her home planet that he willingly takes and dies. His decision to remain silent and leave the community shows that he feels guilty for the disaster, his conversation with May is crucial, as it suggests that the Jedi who were involved in the fire may not be as pure as they seem. Torbin’s suicide shows his regret and the severity of the circumstances, he was lost right the moment after the fire and was probably waiting for this moment to face Mae. This is what tells me that there is some truth on Mae version, Jedi is about finding peace but based on the Sith this peace they talk about is an illusion.


Qimir character played by Manny Jacinto, is a smuggler who has a dark past a connection to Mae and who at first hand gives me the impression he knows more than he is telling. He seems to be helping both May and her Sith Master, which indicates that he has some connection to the main Sith plan, it is intriguing to me how he pretend to know Mae for some time and her Sith Master this tell me he has been with both in the past, has some connection to them but so far the impression that I have from Mae and the Sith relationship is that its distant and private how and why a guy like Qimir just a "smuggler" would know all this, right away this throw some red flags telling me that he might be the Sith Master himself who is using the Force to cover up Sith Aura, Jedi can detect when there is a Sith Master around, Qimir is the one I was mainly referring as Loki, the trickster because that's how he looks like, with his constant smile on his face, looking all silly but then also looking so innocent when Jedi Masters interrogate him on his "shop" about his connection with Mae.


Key Scenes and Drama Unfold

Mae’s Infiltration

The episode began with Mae who sneak into a Jedi Temple where her next target is, she manage to walk among the others in the temple without been notice indicating she is using the Force to cover up her Sith Aura, this is classic Sith tactics but they do find out there is an intruder because the caught the girl who help Mae distract the guard droid, probably doing something silly but she is not suppose to be inside neither who inmediatly talks when been interrogated. Mae intention on getting into the temple is to find Master Torbin and kill him but he is just too strong for her and no matter how much she tries to attack she cant get an inch close to him because of his Force field. She goes back to a local shop where Qimir is, he just took over this shop from a guy and is just acting the fool, the episode implies Mae ask him to make her a poison but the method on how to use it was suggested by Qimir, instead of trying to attack him give him an option.

Master Torbin’s Death

Mae had two encounters with Master Torbin and this is probably the best part of the episode, at first she try to attack him directly but then came in offering him an option, a man full of guilt is giving the option to accept his crime and take the honorable path and die been responsible, all she had to do was talk to him, Torbin immediately drop his Force field and took the poison that Mae gave him without questioning. This act by Torbing a very well respected Jedi within the community shows possibly how much the four Jedi involve on the incident are some what guilty, two down and two left to go. Mae quest is to kill four Jedi to satisfy her master and continue her quest, this are most likely the four Jedi involve on the fire incident, not sure if to call it an incident at this point, the four masters are Indara, Torbin, Sol and Kelnecca.

The Wookie Jedi Master

After everything is set and done, Master Sol, Yord and Jecki arrive Olega with Osha, they are after Mae who have been seen there. They came up with a plan after getting a hold to Qimir who without a doubt throw Mae under the bus telling the Jedi only "what he knows" but Mae manage to escape them too, she is very well trained, this shows how killing Indara was not pure luck because most would say her two kills were just too easy but we need to give her credit too for what she has accomplish so far. The last Jedi I mention was Kelnacca, a Wookie Jedi who also decided to go into exile suggesting that this master also has to do with the fire, Qimir has locate the Jedi for Mae and they now on their way to kill their next target. On the trailer there were some scenes of Mae and her Sith Master on the forest so I guess on the next episode we will see them together after or before attacking Kenacca.


Episode 1 was not much to be honest although episode 2 is starting to turn it up for the series and this is what I was expecting, with the lies and cover up from some of the Jedi. I remember when Yord finds out about Osha twin sister Master Sol intermediately told him about her death and how he was so sure about this, that HE saw her but this was a lie or he did not try hard enough to really find out if she was dead, so was it really guilt or incompetence from the four Jedi master involve on this story? are they really guilty for the fire or they just assume nothing could be done and let them die at that point? the Covenant Witches are not well seen by the Jedi from what I have been able to find online, they also use the Force but from what I could find they are in a grey area between Sith and Jedi, probably causing some Jedi to think if they are not on the same path then they are not worth saving? The appearance and reveal of who is Mae Sith Master is a big part of the drama that is just starting to unfold same goes for the difference in point of views from the twin sisters of who really cause the fire, on episode two when they finally see each other Osha had a blaster and intentionally miss her show and let Mae go, when Mae sees Osha she calls her Oshy, cute nickname that only a sister for of love for the other would still use.


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