Shogun (2024): Ladies of the Willow World - Episode 6 - RECAP


I have always mention that this series based on books, novels or any other type of material that already exist might deviate from the truth or original story although feels like their main purpose is to bring new users to this novels and not specifically to the TV series, they have to change some scenes and characters because usually TV series viewers are not the same or similar to readers, Shogun certainly doesn't fall far from this reality but has made a great effort to keep it entertaining.

This is a series that will probably push me into either buying the audio book or the novel after the series ends, I like how many details are in the story and intrigue me about Japanese culture, I have seen other series based on Japan but probably nothing like Shogun (2024) so far, it sad this is just a ten episode mini series.

Episode six is a very slow one, after the Earthquake Toronaga forces are trying to recover what ever they can but currently out number if they decide to strike, Lady Ochiba has return to Osaka, not much has been said about her on the series but she is the Heir mother, she was the only consort able to provide the Taiko an heir.

Source Mariko and Oshiba met when they were very little, I'm not very clear what Oshiba's father role was but he was a great warrior that seem to have gone mad, Mariko's father and Toronaga plan his murder to stop him, please dont quote me on this one but some times its not clear to understand their hierarchy because there are similar but different names for each of this. Mariko and Osbhia became great friends but were split, Mariko's father Akeshi Jinsai offer her in marriage to Toda aka Buntaro with the purpose to get her away because he knew what was going to happen once they execute their plan to bring down Oshiba's father, her hate for Toronaga come from those days because she feels it was him who plan everything to kill her father subsequently making her fall from the high hierarchy she was part of but lucky for her end up been the Taiko's Consort, kind of an escort but in the most proud way? not sure how that works, hierarchy again.
Source In most of this movies or TV series when an outsider becomes part of the locals and starts to go up in the ladder, he saves the leader life once or twice, that is exactly what John (Anjin) has done after saving Toronaga while escaping the Osaka castle and now after the Earthquake, its for this that Toronaga has gave him a fief, made him admiral of the Kanto and general in charge of the canon regiment, I mean does he needs anything else? John is at the top, I would probably say very close to Yabushige level, most men envy him but John still a prisoner, he can't go away, he has been asking for his ship and crew back but Toronaga again denied, instead wants to deviate him from this thoughts so ask Mariko to get him to the best brothel and be with him in case he talks more than he should while drinking or "pillowing", most silly replacement for the word fucking.
Source Under Lady Oshida influence, Ishido has taken the Osaka Castle hostage with everyone inside it, Muraji was able to escape and went straight to Toronaga and let him know, keep in mind during this times if no one tells you about whats going on on far away places you wont know so messenger were very important, there was now news, papger, cellphone, even the Portuguesse are starting to consider on which side of the war they should stand, Martin knows this is all going on because Lady Oshiba hate for Toronaga, John did mention that Portuguesse were only loyal to their profits.
Source After the fire and lock down in Osaka everything returns to "normal", while watching a play there were a lot of rumors going on from the Regends, they know Ishido is going to demand their vote for Toronaga impeachment and murder, on top add a replacement, they are also aware who is pulling the strings of the puppets, I feel Ishido is doing all this not for power but he wants Oshiba to be his, he probably trying to impress her but she is just too smart for him and it doesn't look like its working, that women will get him killed for sure.
Source Mariko has been ordered by Toronaga to take John to the finest local brothel, they call it a Tea House, John has mention many times he doesn't want or like this kind of gifts but he keeps accepting them although to be honest there is not much he can do about it because decline could turn into an insult and his worst mistake. At the Tea House they meet with an escort, her name Kiku Dono, who has constantly been seen with Yashibuge and his nephew Omi so he better not talk much in front of her, although his interest is with Mariko, a few episodes ago there was a very dark scene where I'm sure it was her getting into his room and spending the night, but then kinda denied it and even John look confuse.

The romance between Mariko and John starts to spark up, this was probably the main topic at hand on this episode despite there was a lot going on by Ishido and Lady Oshiba to pressure the Council to go against Toronaga while he has no more influence in Osaka, Toronaga wants no power or lands but he is the only single lord who has the power and influence to go against Ishido but right now it doesn't look like after he lost a good part of his army during the Earthquake, his commanders still stand and John is going up in the ladder this is very important to keep his army positive, they have push him to be what he doesn't want, before dying even the Taiko ask him if he would be Shogun but Toronaga is against this way of rulling, Shogun is a posture of total control and rule over all, no politics just one ruler.
