Revving Up: A Look into Ferrari (2023) - Iconic Biopic Unleashed


INTRODUCTION Revving Up: A Look into Ferrari (2023) - Iconic Biopic Unleashed

Setting the expectations right

The Porduction of Ferrari (2023) was not an easy ride, they were trying to bring to life once again a complex man, an icon of the racing world like it was Enzo Ferrari, not only himself but everything around him including his tumultuous life navigating through his financial and love struggles, the journey from script to the screen must have not been easy. Under the guidance of director Michael Mann, the cast and crew was able to deliver a very ambitious project, its not easy task for anyone take the life of such great man like Enzo Ferrari and fit it on 2 hour movie.

Many seem to be disappointed by the movie as they were expecting way more from director Michael Mann, actors like Adam Driver and Penelope Cruz, but they were mostly disappointed probably because it was not about racing, the cars or the factory, had very little to do with the Brand as they skip details that have been mention on many other movies or documentaries, Ferrari (2023) was more about the man, the icon Enzo Ferrari and his struggles at a personal level, the trust he had on his wife who despite their personal relationship problems never left him behind it is why probably many will give a low score to this film.


A Family Torn Apart: Enzo, Laura, and the Tragedy of Dino's Death

The movie focus of Enzo's relationship with his wife, Laura Ferrari, played by the great actress Penélope Cruz. Their marriage is rocked by tragedy following the death of their son, Dino, a year prior to the events of the movie. Dino's passing, due to muscular dystrophy, casts a shadow over the Ferrari family, creating a constant drama scenario ever time the topic comes up although not explain in details during the movie, many viewers and fans have criticize this part of the movie that should have brought more context into it. Enzo and Laura's grief gets in between their relationship, revealing certain vulnerability beneath Enzo's exterior personality.

Love and Loss: The Affair with Lina Lardi

Taking in consideration the responsibilities, passion and grief Enzo was going through, the movie explores his complicated relationship with his mistress, Lina Lardi played by Shailene Woodley, Lina finds herself in the middle of Enzo's already complicated world between racing and his family, not that she was not aware because her position was very clear during the movie, bringing a spike of intensity to his already broken family after Dino's death, after all Enzo describe it himself that it was the spark that got him running again, trying to build that legacy and have some one to pass the torch too, something that Laura constantly remind him before and after finding out of his mistress, she gave him a son, he had a son, yet she understood he needed a son.

Struggles on and off the Track: Enzo's Financial Troubles

Beyond the complexity of his personal relationships, Ferrari expose Enzo's financial struggles as he chase success in the terrain of the automotive industry, specially as a sports car manufacture, "We build cars so we can go racing"; while other manufactures wanted to build cars as a business he only did it so he can cover the costs of his racing division. The movie constantly put the spotlight on the pressures faced by Ferrari S.p.A. from the economic side and also fierce competitors like Maserati, but it was well known for anyone who have heard about Enzo that he would never quit despite any kind of financial circumstances it as all about his relentless pursuit of racing glory. Several times he was force to get financial assistance from other manufactures, it was slightly mention but for those who saw the movie Ford vs Ferrari (2019), in 1960 Ferrari was in negotiation with Ford but they never close a deal, comes in Fiat who bought 50% of Ferrari company that lead to full control in 1988 but kept the brand Ferrari alive.

The Exceptional Revving Cast

Adam Driver: Confidence & Determination

Adam Driver, well known for his role of Kylo Ren in the Star Wars saga, takes the wheel as the controversial Enzo Ferrari. Driver's journey from the galaxy to the racing circuits of Italy is an achievement to his versatility as an actor, with a resume that includes acclaimed performances in movies like Marriage Story and BlacKkKlansman, Driver brings character and intensity to the role of Ferrari that is nothing short of remembering for.

Penélope Cruz: Fire and Passion

Penélope Cruz known for her charismatic but at the same time though look and emotions on screen plays the role of Laura Ferrari, Enzo's devoted wife in the middle of a mix feelings between a heartbreak story and her strengh as her complex role between love and duty, her love for her son Dino and his husband Enzo but also her duty for the legarcy of Ferrari Family. Penélope Cruz has capture the audience many times before specially in her role as Maria Elena in the movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona whe she got an Academy Award for her supporting role.

Shailene Woodley, Sarah Gadon, Gabriel Leone, Jack O’Connell, and Patrick Dempsey: The Stellar Support

The cast of Ferrari really brings the story to life. Each actor adds character and emotion to their character. From Shailene Woodley's moving playing the role of a woman caught in the middle of it all to Jack O'Connell's tough performance as a young racing talent, everyone delivers their best. Sarah Gadon, who's been in some of David Cronenberg's movies, Gabriel Leone as Alonso Portago, who's making a name for himself in Brazil, and Patrick Dempsey, famous for his role in Grey's Anatomy, all gave us great performances that you won't forget.

The Director Behind the Wheel: Michael Mann

Michael Mann, the great director behind Ferrari (2023) is a master at taking the wheel with a carrer that expands through many hits delivering films that are very familiar to all kind of audience around the world, he started with Thief (1981) an action crime drama, right after move in to Manhunter (1986) moving on to more modern productions but still characterized by their intense realism, complex characters, and provoking themes, some of the films under his belt Ford v Ferrari (2019), The Kingdom (2007), Collateral (2004), The Aviator (2004), a canvas of multiple scenarios and stages that knows no bounds bringing to life all this different exceptional scripts managing a wide range of star casts.
CONCLUSION - Revving Up: A Look into Ferrari (2023) - Iconic Biopic Unleashed

Conclusion Enzo Ferrari Biopic

Now days movies are way far from what is real, how things really happen, its very rare that we get those frecuently. Movie Studios are a business and their products are movies that sell entertaiment, should and is their main target because that is what sells tickets at the box office so expecting a movie to be close to reality is fooling ourself. Ferrari might be cutting corners but if you pay close attention to it the intentions of the movie from the start was never to explain or bring in how the Ferrar brand was forge but how it was kept alive starting from house Ferrari, the family, how it sustain itself even after so many troubles at home and at the track, between scandals at the race track, financial troubles and a wife that always knew her duty to the brand. This movie is probably not even about Enzo himself but all the problems he had and the complexity of his life been such an icon in racing since this early stages on the sport.

TRAILER - Ferrari (2023)

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You seem to love watching movies... Haven't heard about this, though


Yeah the one thing Im never bored about, movies and TV series, always fresh content too ✌️


That actually worth watching by the sounds of it. I do love Ferrari after all.


It is worth watching, dramatic movie, talks more about Enzo Ferrari troubles on and off track, at home, financial but almost nothing about the cars themself


Thanks for sharing this film and your thoughts about it. Although it might not be what we would expect, I think it's still a good watch :)



Yeah a good watch if you want to know a bit about the creator of Ferrari, they almost didnt mention the Ferrari cars during the movie


It might be that they really wanted to focus on the creator. I imagine the film gives a mix of emotions. That's what I felt anyway when I watched the trailer.


Thanks for sharing the film I keep this in my watch list.


its a good watch but not much about racing or Ferrari cars 👍


Took me a few pics to realize it was Adam Driver.


Yeah probably the gray hair and the glasses, I didnt see him at first neither, two diff person from last picture with director and the movie cover