Masters Of The Air: Part Nine - E09 - RECAP


Masters of The Air mini series is over, yesterday Friday 15 the last episode, part 9 was release. There was a lot of excitement from the drama and action part of the series and I guess most people who haven't watch it ask themself is it any good? there is the kind of viewer that likes to let things cool down to then jump in, probably watch the entire mini series in three days, I have to say in my opinion this series is a 7.5/10, I have been very positive about it and I personally can deal with the way it is narrated but I also have to understand most people wont and that's why I give it a 7.5.
WWII mini series have been popular lately but most of them ran out of time, nine episodes is just not enough to cover all this side stories, from Buck and Bucky to Rosie, Crosby, Tuskegee, Alex, even Sandra who was a spy and we got a very few shoots out of that, I get the series is about the 100th men been Buck, Bucky and Crosby the main characters but come on Rosie himself has probably enough content for an entire series after 52 missions that's without talking about the Tuskegee and the P-51 that could be another entire season before you join back all this stories as they did towards the end of this mini series.
Let jump into episode nine where we will get satisfaction after many of the trailer and intro scenes happen, we start with how Rosie went down close to the Russian line, during the last days of WWII they were going hard and deep into Germany, not much resistance on the sky but a few good Flak hits can bring you down, just look at that bomber, two engines down, wing on fire, nose is gone and Rosie was still trying to keep it on the air, this are the kind of scenes that let my imagination go and ask myself what else could have they done to keep the plane on the air.
Not even Rosie himself could keep it on the air and had to bail, lucky for him he was close to Russian allies and after he landed his right arm was probably broken, Russian soldiers assist him, after a couple of flights he was back at base but during his tour through Europe, sadly he had the chance to check on a force work camps, where all prisoners were killed before let got, seems like German army only kept soldiers alive, any other human been was disposal.
As allies were getting closer and closer for some reason Germans kept moving soldier prisoners from one camp to another, this actually made no sense at all and all Germans were doing was trying to gain some time and see if something happen, same goes for Bucy and Buck, at camp none of the two sides had real interest until now.
After all this time it was not Ltt. anymore, it was Major Crosby, he was loosing it and when a crew member went to ask to open the supplies room to get their chutes to flight, Crosby pull ranks on the man in charge while pressing his head against breakfast, this tell you how long this men have been serving and all what they have gone through, getting them to the edge of loosing their temper.
I bet if there is a picture of a US soldier holding a German Soldier during march it has to be a gold mine, they were marching over 20 miles from one camp to the other in freezing conditions so you can imagine how many men were lost during this long walks, Germans were retreating, there were those who still saw glory on their army but other had lost all kind of hope, they knew it was a matter of time before allies take over.
This last part of the episodes was glorious how the camp where Buck, Alexander and the other soldiers were kept was invaded by the allies but at the same time it felt so crunch and left me hanging, it was just too easy, I can understand things seem so simple from the oustide but consider all the variables, it look like they just got there and minutes after the camp was taken by the allies, P-51 did a run by taking down a couple of watch towers at the camp and that scene was money but then I felt again left hanging.
I truly feel nine episodes is just not enough for so many characters they wanted to develop during this mini series, if it was the case that they were all taken down one by one but wth there were five soldiers who went to hell and came back including Buck, Bucky and Rosie. The Tuskegee a key force with over 500 missions confirm during the series and only had very few fight scenes and their pilots had very little screen time?? Rosie alone did 52 missions, between him and Crosby you had another season, it feels that WWII stories are not suitable for mini series.
Then again the question is, Masters of The Air any good? yes it is a great watch and I would recommend it but also clear out that scenes and time will be cut off between episodes, not to the point that you get lost but it is too obvious that way more had to happen between episodes besides that it also makes me feel that some characters were even diminish like almost every Co. at the base for the exception of Col. Harding who probably had the most screen time of them, reason why I only give it a 7.5, when all the action and dopamine rush is over from the air battles and the drama between soldiers. Masters of The Air can make you feel lost and ask how did all this happen so fast? I think war stories are just too complex and long specially for survivors like this guys who went from going war, flight, crash enemy territory, escape and then flight back again for the allies.

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