Masters Of The Air: Part Five - E05 - RECAP



I think Masters of The Air just peak, I cant imagine there is a better episode than episode 5, it gave us the best battle ever so far into the series with only four episodes to go, I'm still to episodes behind the latest one, just watch it last night and number five is still my favorite episode, on IMDB this episode has a rating of 8.8/10 with over 1500 users voting, the "good" thing about IMDB is the numbers although from this rating sites what is actually real?
The drama on episode five is close to nothing, the action between bombers and fighters is as close as you see on the cover image, face to face action with bombers trying to movie as a fighter it was epic although numbers at the 100th are very low and they start to suffer heavy looses.
Everyone at base is still grieving Bucky, specially Buck but they all have their mission clear. Crosby and the rest of the Blakely's crew barely made it back after landed on a RAF base then transport back to the base, their plane was totaled, many though they were not coming back so they clean up their bunkers early to their surprise.
Everyone was glad to have Blakely and his crew back although from here on things were going to get tighter for everyone, more missions equals more possibilities to die. Apple is going to release a documentary about the 100ths, I think its from here on that they got the nickname of the Bloody 100th because of the amount of casualties, the Europe invasion was a reality but Allies knew that to accomplish this target first they had to totaled Germany Air Force.
Buck was blood thirsty, after Bucky went down he was not the same anymore, something I think had to be a lie is that this guys were drinking every fucking day, come on I don't think this was true who can actually concentrate to flight a plane been this drunk and hang over every day, still this is TV right?
Pilots and crew were soon to understand that they were going to flight almost every day, in real world not even commercial pilots have this amount of hours in the air now imagine flying during the conditions they had, -50c was mention on a previous episode, low oxygen, at war. Some pilots and crew were concern but not Buck, he was dead center on the mission and even had to pull rank on some of his friends so they keep their shit together and understand that is just war after they start talking about their next target, how many women and children were going to die, all Buck wanted was to flight and drop bombs.
Crozby was now lead navigator, he had to prepare routes and give instructions to on board navigators, a job he got after a few risky missions he came back from even leading the pack once when he cover for his friend Bubbles, not knowing that this was the last time they would talk. Not only this mission give us the best air battles but also the mission with the most casualties, I wonder if this was close to real events and its true that almost all 17 bombers went down.
Like it was not enough that they were only 17 bombers in the air but they were falling behind fast, the moment they arrive target four already bail because of mechanical malfunctions, on top heavy flak got them hurt badly. On the above image you see the bombardier face when he listen to all the German Fighters coming down on them, it did look like they were hundreds I cant imagine the noise from all those planes in open air going full throttle.
Buck had to bail too, their bomber got hurt badly by the Flaks and the fighters latter on but in a sense they were lucky to be hones because what was waiting for them up there was no joke, they manage to drop bombs and there was still more on this episode but as usually I'm only going through the basics and not giving away all the action.
This is the episode when Crosby started to suffer psychologically after loosing so many friends, only 17 bombers they had left and went up. Buck went down, they were on top of Germany so this was different than the previous mission when others landed in Italy, France or even at sea. This time anyone who survive the air battle but their bomber went down they were landing on Germain soil, enemy territory so getting out of there without help from the resistance was almost impossible.
I agree with many comments online that some times it feels like the story doesn't have proper structure and jumps from one topic to the other but there were so many things going on at once and so many stories from different characters that is difficult to focus on just the three main Buck, Bucky and Crosby, I understand how people might say this series is hard to follow and can even be consider boring but I assure you that is not the case if you know how to follow it and put together the details.

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