Halo: Visegrad - Season 02 - Episode 03 - RECAP



I had in mind as part of keeping up with the series I'm watching post about Halo S02E03 before even watch it but it was destiny, what an episode to set the world on fire. Lets start with the fact that episode three is still part of the trap that Ackerson has set for John and the rest of Silver Team, not exactly to bring him down but use him as a distraction, while everyone has their attention into a lost Master Chief, going against the system, seen and talking about things that can't be proven its the perfect story for Ackerson and the rest of high rank personal who is going to be evacuated first before the Covenant attack hits, that's the basics of episode three, another episode making Master Chief like the delusional guy.

I for sure not need to know the books or games to know there is no same sex relations or even love stories during Halo, but men putting up the scene on the cover of the post must have trigger a lot of people but like it was not enough we now have Spartans who have feelings and Spartans who don't want to be a soldier anymore and might look into another way to serve but not as a soldier I bet that's not on the original story BUT something that can't be denied is that its entertaining and that's all that matter, its fiction, its not real, its TV, its not even based on real events, yes its an adaptation and that is how MOST adaptation go, TV series are a business, I don't have the data but everything that happens with this adaptations point me into the direction that they are not made for the hard core fans, they are taking a well known and good story and adapting it for other kind of viewers taking advantage of its popularity for marketing purpose, Season 2 is doing even better than Season 1, Episode 3 so far has a 7.1/10 on IMDB with over 1500 reviews, sadly Rotten Tomatoes users don't vote per episodes at much, many can argue this votes are fake but that is the available data, take things for what they are its just TV nothing else, be happy don't be complaining the entire time, btw Secret Invasion was bad and I still watch it.

Source Anyone watching the series knew this was coming when John talk to Cobalt team in the lockers room, they were been send straight to hell to fight the Covenant but until know nothing had been proven, there is no proof of the Covenant invasion and there was no proof that or declaration that Makee was there and was the one who stop the rest of Covenant warriors kill John and Perez.

John is still Master Chief and Silver Team follows him until the end of the world, more than ever now they are off the pill but even Kai feels there is something wrong with the mission.

Source The arrive to the relay that went offline but there was nothing there only interference, there were UNSC soldiers waiting for Silver Team to take them back arrested because John basically stole a Condor and everything they were wearing at the moment, this is all still happening behind the smokescreen that Ackerson has created to avoid anyone know of his plan to run away before the Covenant hits Reach, before they were taken back they did confirm there was nobody in there but that doesn't mean Cobalt Team was not slaughter in there.
Source The clone girl visiting Dr. Halsey is Julia, she is James Ackerson sister or actually was, she is dead and after a scene where his father who suffers of temporary amnesia or a disease that makes him forget things ask him to put him down before they come, probably he has been working on this clone exactly for that moment, so he puts down his father but not before he see Julia one last time before he dies, Ackerson knows he can't bring his father with him.

Admiral Kayes debrief Master Chief and Silver team in the lot of deep shit they are in after taking such risk and going against direct orders, stealing all kind of weapons and even a Condor, he is the only men still defending him and the reason why they were not arrested.

Source Ackerson knows he cant go full throttle and just arrest Master Chief because that will take all the attention from him but so far everything has been working perfectly for him but he also knows that if he keeps pushing he will actually make others take actions over John and neutralize him, Admiral Kaye is getting closer to that point, both him and Silver Team don't trust John's judgement anymore.
Source I really don't pay much attention to Kwan story, that's why I don't mention her or Soren that much but I guess at some point they both with fight with the rest, right now seems Soren was betrayed by one of his crew, after all they are pirates and there seem to be a bounty on his wife or probably they want to black mail her for money but she is no stupid, but after all the drama on this episode without much action, Kwan stole the show but I still can't find how she relates or is relevant to the rest of the story.
Source So here three scenes that set this episode on fire:
  • Master Chief takes a page out of Steve Rogers, on an elevator scene he says "Im sorry...for this" and then knock out two marines, Avengers: Infinity War, very familiar scene.
  • Riz decides to visit Louis because she is thinking about been something else than a Spartan, just as he did.
  • Louis has a boyfriend, same gender couple.
I bet on the game or the books says nothing about this, but after all this was still a good episode because things start to make sense and sync with Master Chief hunch about the Covenant Invasion, btw Admiral Margaret gave John some sort of GPS or device to get a hold of her, she is now in some kind of under cover group working behind the ONI, not sure but the thing is that she has intel on whats going on but still as the rest don't trust Master Chief judgement of whats going on, he now has "feelings".
Source When everything is almost set and done the truth start to come to the surface, Corporal Perez confess to Master Chief she saw Makee and that there was a hidden message during the interference, looks like it was a Covenant Warrior praying before going to war.

Cobalt team comes back in a bag and Admiral Keyes ask Ackerson the right questions that he couldn't refuse to answer with the truth expecting to get Keyes on his side but he got that wrong, Keyes after all is a soldier and will go down with the ship.

A truly satisfying episode, Halo is not a top AAA+ series like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad but is still a good action series that has gone rouge on fans, totally altering events and the story from the game, adding drama and even romance, tf most will say; I agree the romance part I'm not a fan neither but they when with the prohibit love story that is a classic theme for love stories and might be attractive to viewers, as I mention on the intro it seems that now days adaptations are not anymore for the fans and probably most studios would say fuck the fans bring me the money who might be on the rest of potential viewers that's just the reality we living in, after all is a show, its like you are comparing UFC vs WWE, one is the hard core Mix Martial Arts fans who wants to see blood and fighters tap out on every pay per view while the other WWE puts up three shows every week where 50% of the punches are fake but still WWE has a very large following, does that mean one is more entertaining than the other probably not depending on who you ask but if I only want the hard core stuff do I have to complain about the show? not really just don't watch it. Small analogy of how adaptation look like now days, although Halo does put up a good show and probably why viewers still watch and give good scores, anything above 7 online is a good score even there are some 6 that are still good for a one time watch.

#HaloTheTelevisionSeries, #SecondSeason, #26thCenturyConflict, #Humanity, #AlienThreat, #TheCovenant, #MasterChief, #John117, #SpartanTeam, #TensionsEscalate, #WarShift, #PerilousMission, #ImpendingThreat, #Stronghold, #ParamountPlus, #EpicSaga, #DavidWiener, #Showrunner, #HighlyAnticipated, #ThrillingContinuation

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I'm at episode 3 and the ending where the covenant is already on Reach makes it much of an epic thriller. I think season 2 is even better. Season one had a lot of sub storied in my opinion. This time Kwan wasn't much of the center story as they did in the beginning. I enjoy watching, whether the adaptation was on point or not. The creators are doing a good job


I have the same opinion, season two is starting to be better than the first one and the battle scenes are just starting, cant wait for the trailer scene with the space battle, this series is turning out to be great but still the internet is complaining, Im enjoying it a lot ✌️