Halo: Sword - Season 02 - Episode 02 - RECAP



At the end of the day all average viewers want is entertaining, its just a very small niche of users who turn on their TV to get "educational" content or anything that stick to reality, truth is that most people turn on the TV to escape from reality, based on this concept Halo didn't fail, anyone saying this is just wrong about its success, YES things don't happen as in the game, YES when a adaptation goes off rails it usually fails although Halo is an action series with drama and that's exactly what its doing, brings good action scenes and drama makes enough sense for viewers to fall for it.
Episode two of season two is a LOT of talking, there is only one single scene where there is some action although the drama keeps evolving with Silver Time out of the pill, discovering and experiencing new emotions for them as they go. Side stories like Kwan, Ackerson and now Ritz keep developing more adding to the drama and at some point I think everyone will be involve in some way during the attack to Reach by the Covenant, there is also the come back of Cortana who I think eventually get back with Master Chief once they are out number as in the trailer.
Source Episode starts with Dr. Halsey who is in some sort of Hologram Cell but I wonder if its only an illusion why she doesn't try to get through it, could there be some physical barrier or is she on inducted stage where here body is as sleep and her mind awake? Point is that she constantly gets a visit from a girl who usually dies after Dr. Halsey ask her a few questions about who is in charge and why she is there, I have to guess this girl is a clone, on season one Halsey goes deeper into the clone experiments who were not stable and only last for so little experimenting a kinda of stroke and nose bleeding before they die.
Source Ritz look like SHIT! at the end of season she was hurt badly in the last battle, when Master Chief was controlled by Cortana he save her life by basically burning part of her arm and chest to stop the bleeding, pure fiction because how she look at that point there was no way something like that would work. The reason I mention this is because she has not fully recover yet and Kai has notice but hey "Spartans Never Die" so Ritz keeps pushing, Kai cares about he and the team, asks to slow down but that's a negative.

The only person convince of whats going on is Master Chief and he cant wait for Cobalt team to come back after they were send to check on a comms. relay that went offline. There is this board probably with the status of all missions and teams, Cobalt has been put on STANDBY when actually STANDBY is only for when the team is at base, Master Chief notice the shenanigans going on and ask immediately bout it but he is asking the guy changing the lables on the board.

Source Kwan side story keeps developing at the Rubble, she has been sold and tag but some how she escape, I'm lost on this part to be honest and might have to go back to season one when and how she got enslave, Kwan is fearless and this scene was very short and without much context to it, the classic chase starts after the man who owns her notice she is missing and eventually Kwan kills the guy, I found this scene full of shit, give more context if you are taking me away from the main story.
Source Remember how I mention about experimenting feelings by Silver Team, well Ritz is hurt and badly where she cant stand to be touch on certain parts, her training partner and ex-spartan Louis notice this and start checking on her until he confirm his suspicions, she wont stop because her mind is train that way but her body is falling apart, eventually he sprinkle the idea of Ritz dedicate her life to something else than been a Spartan and offers her help, she was not convince at first but then accept.
Source This episode feels like a year ago when it took me four hours to be done with an episode but there was so much talking, problems between Master Chief and Ackerson start to escalate quick since he has Silver Team grounded and refuse to provide more information about Cobalt team, Ackerson had to pull ranks when Master Chief threat him with looking for some one else who can authorize put them back in action but Ackerson is using cheap psychological tricks on Master Chief to justify why he doesn't trust him.
Source This was a satisfying scene, its always awesome to see Spartans going all in, showing her speed and strength, this time Silver Team was on training exercises with Ritz going for a target and Master Chief playing the enemy and she falls badly from a hill, Kai tries to cover for her, she doesn't want to see Ritz like this but still doesn't openly mention she is hurt in front of Master Chief and Vannak, orders are orders and Master Chief tell Ritz to get back at it only for her to fall again but this time was worst, I don't
Source This scene got me a bit mad because Corporal Perez is so stupid, all this problems Master Chief is facing to be cleared by Anckerson could have been avoided if she told him exactly what happen and backup his story, instead she decided to stay shut and her argument was stupid as well, she didn't say anything about what happen when Master Chief rescue her because she was suppose to be dead? just because Makee told the Covenant to retreat she goes silence? cmon this part was very stupid but I get it adds to the drama of the story because it does complicate things for Master Chief.
Source As expected Cortana shows up on season two but she is now on a solitary environment, she is not allow to reach any other external systems and Anckerson has been using her to calculate the outcome of the Covenant invasion, all simulations come to the same results, most likely he is either going to run away alone or only get certain personal leaving the rest of Reach to fight for their life.
Today really feels like a long ass episode but I didn't want to miss any of the details that I consider important to the story, in fact I might start watching season one to remember what happen to Kwan only because it doesn't add up how she got enslave. This episode will make you feel like you have your hands tight up, there is nothing Master Chief and Silver Team can do to find out whats going out there, whats the truth? what is Anckerson hiding from everyone and its against Spartan behavior not following orders unless they feel like the system is broken and not working anymore. I would not call this episode boring although was a bit exhausting between all the drama going on.

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