Class of 09: Thank You for Not Driving – Season 1 Episode 3 – RECAP




Class of 09 Episode 3 brings the beginning of what will become Tayo's real problem, in 2023 we are in the times when Artificial Intelligence finally reach average internet users with applications like Chat GPT and also those who are more familiar with the tech are starting to thinker with Artificial Intelligence models to generate text, images or even music. Agent Hour with a crew of talented engineers has develop this massive tool to keep agents in contact with all evidence possible and case files so they can come up with suspects faster than usual, its purpose was not to replace agents but to unite them in technology, the idea is to have one agent working on a case but with the help of all the data other agents have compile from similar cases having it available as fast an efficient as possible but no body in the Bureau sees it that way, most think that this new system will replace agents and make decisions for them although Hour's system wont, even Lennix who seems to be a very smart guy on the series thinks this way, I think he probably did because it was others perspective too, group pressure.

Tayo on episode 3 was against the wall, he is facing a man that already try to kill him and is on the run, hurt badly his partner at the moment and all they got is one guy who wont say anything, his partners at the FBI pressure him at not using Hour system but he had no choice, they going no where with the only lead they have, here is when it starts, Tayo will become a victim of his own success, we have seen before a scene where he asks another ten years as FBI director to continue with his AI system, as any other Sci-Fi theme movie/series Artificial Intelligence finally understands humans are the problem and need to be stop. - tv series divider FATAL ATTRACTION S01E02 RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


Tayo is hunting, looking for Mark Tupirik, a man who runs a criminal/terrorist network who is willing to do anything he can to hurt the FBI, on previous episode he already demonstrate that no one is above his mission, killed his wife, almost killed an FBI agent (Tayo's partner) and now is on his way to complete his plan, both Mark and Tayo are fearless.


Class of 09 moves back and forward through its time line, in the future after the AI system Tayo implemented and eventually mutate into something that goes out of control, totally different than what Hour and Amos wanted it to be, Poet visits Hour seeking for her help to stop the system, before Amos was killed at Poet's apartment he gave her a card that might be the key to stop it. Poet at this point on her life is facing that she have been left alone in the world, no Hour, no Lennix and now no Bureau since this last thing that she loved too is gone after the AI system has replaced agents almost completely.


True friendship is very hard to find and some times people become blind because of their line of work, for Poet the FBI was everything back then, she always show it to everyone, that's why she and Lennix were not together and why she accept to spy on Hour and eventually be the one who puts a stop to her program, Lennix on the other hard who had no attachment to Hour also follow orders and gets Poet to work with Hour as under cover so she could never see it coming, the entire project was Doom from the start, not because it works or what ever any one else though on the FBI but because Hour profile results say she might trust more technology than people or at least that's the perspective the FBI has from her, unless humans find out a way to create conscious mind then AI will always be just a vast library of data with extremely fast access, AI wont be able to take that away from humans the decision making factor under certain circumstances where human emotions are involve, some times science can choose a total different outcome but doesn't mean is the right one. In the case of Lennix, Poet and the FBI they were wrong about Hour program.


At first Hour new system was suppose to help agents, meaning they wont get the answers right away, they still had to investigate, Hour make it that way so it doesn't replace agents but the agents perspective was different, although they had a hunch that if it end up as they thought, eventually AI will replace them, at the moment Tayo was desperate to put Mark behind bars, not only they were going no where with the suspect but also Mark just execute an attack to kill either Tayo or his wife so he decided to open the Pandora Box and go full send with Hour system.


Since Tayo use the system for the first time it work as intended, took the hours to get something of value form their suspect, there are theories that under pressure humans indirectly tend to give themselves out, under situations like this its either because they think can out smart the law or they so nervous eventually crack to move on to what's next, took Tayo and the system with a room full of people analyzing the situation meaning it was working as intended, until they find a clue that puts them on the right track, the suspect was constantly drawing what looks like just lines but it was a logo at the center. After trying all kind of operation they could with the help of the state police like road blocks, they finally got to a truck where Mark was hiding a moving around, a truck from a Construction Company that the suspect was drawing during the interrogatory.


Going back to the future, after Hour accept to help Poet, after all they were best friends and it was obvious she had something for Poet, they go back to Amos place where they use the card he left Poet and start his system, the AI system in place, in the future, was taking decisions by its own, making arrests based on suspicious without prove just because someone could commit a crime, its not the same as stopping some one, if you haven't done anything even though you can, that doesn't mean you are guilty, on episode 3 also officially start the quest to stop Tayo's AI system in the future time line.


Tayo finally gets Mark behind bars, he is now in what seems to be a ultra max security prison, cameras every corner analyzing his reactions and trying to read him, again the system is working as design, agents are not predicting the future, the system will only assist them based on their request and inputs, there is more to Mark's plan, even though Tayo caught him, the plan still rolling and who knows what will happens next, agents are still in danger, Tayo thought stopping Mark was enough but its bigger than just him. - tv series divider

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Episode 1:
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