Avatar: The Last Airbender: Warriors - Episode 2 - Season 1 - RECAP



Its a bit more a week after Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action series from Netflix release and I'm only on episode three so I might have to burn a few episodes this weekend, I have always mention how Netflix really break the traditional one episode per week format by releasing an entire season at once, something I don't enjoy that much to be honest and its a fact that in most cases this cause sleep disorder to a lot of people.

So far I'm really enjoying the series but can't tell if its close to the original story, critics went had on it for how some of the characters have change but even though if they can I still have to say its a great watch, I try to set a schedule for myself on when fit each episode and the first two episode had a little of everything but the aspect that I enjoy the most is that Aang is not stealing the show, he might be the center of the story but most of the other characters really provide a great input to the story they are as entertaining if not more than Aang himself in the case of Sokka.

Source After Suko had Aang on his ship as prisoner he is now going nuts after Aang escape with the help of Sokka and Katara, his childish behavior might be annoying most of the time since he is the Fire Nation Prince and what looks like a good fire bender he thinks everyone needs to do as he says when he commands but seems not many respect him specially on this episode. Aang took Suko's notebook since it look interesting for all the data that he has collected while looking for the Avatar, this took hang to his next location Kyoshi Island where he could find some sort of knowledge that can guide him from the Kyoshi Avatar books, Aang already experiment the Avatar State and it almost went very bad as his totally lost control almost wiping the entire place and throwing his friends off the mountain.
Source Now that Katara is with Aang, both on the run; she can start to develop her Water Bending powers, Aang might not be a teacher but he knows what is having bending powers and without direct intention so far has teach her a few things on how to feel and control her powers.

The acting from Katara, Sokka and Aang has been spot on, all three behaving and acting very close to what I remember from the animated series, Appa also looks awesome, details that you look for on a live action series to bring all this fantasy characters like Appa to the screen and make them look real, they don't look animated or cgi.

Source If you have never seen Avatar you probably though it would be a boring trip to a library in the Kyoshi Island but it is so much more than that, here the buys find the Kyoshi Avatar temple guarded by a group of warriors, The Kyoshi Warriors who had amazing fighting skills even taking a fight with fire nation warriors during the episode.
Source For me during this episode the most important thing was the Kyoshi Warriors and what Avatar Kyoshi teach Aang during mediation. There is some background on how Kyoshi was also quiet and had no clue she would become the avatar just like Aang, it was expected that after the Fire Nation attack Kyoshi Island does not like visitors specially the Avatar, everywhere Aang goes that place becomes a target but they are allow 48hrs to look around Kyoshi Temple books and diaries.
Source I'm probably the worst critic since I always look for the good things unless the series is really bad but even some of the secondary characters to the story are doing so good, it is the example of Suki the Kyoshi Warrior Leader played by Maria Zhang who I have never heard before did an amazing job on this episode, I hope she appears on other episodes, some of this characters wont since Aang and the guys are going from one place to another trying to learn more about the Avatar State and the other four bending techniques.
Source Talking about bending techniques it was obvious that Katara was the one who starts training with Aang trying to teach him the little she knows so far, after all she is improving very quickly now that she can focus more on her powers not been at her hometown, anyways the Fire Nation is going after them so better practice. She offers Aang to train with her but he still a bit sad and grief for his teacher Gyatso, Aang decides to hang on for some time before starts training after all he still a kid who likes to play and have fun, something he has not done for 100s of years after been frozen into the ice.
Source In my opinion this right here was the best scene of the episode, there were action scenes on the episode but I'm starting to notice that I enjoy more the comedy side of the series than the action, specially the chemistry between Suki and Sokka. Not only have the series brought to live all this fantasy characters like Appa but they also do special effects like on the animated series, for example on the scene above Suki invites Sokka to fight and moves her right hand like "bring it on" and production added a sound effect to that action, its all this little details that connect with the animated series that I'm really enjoying too.
I have always said that an online rating of 7 in real life is very close to an 8, specially if the series gets a 7.5, what I'm trying to say is that so far Avatar is a solid 8 hands down, but then you have to consider two factors and is how much characters and the story have change this you would only notice if you are a hard core fan but for any other regular viewer like me this is a solid series to watch, very similar to the Halo Tv Series case but that one is more evident that is far from the OG story.

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