RE: Whose War


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At first, an happy Halloween to you too! Here in Italy we use to celebrate Halloween just since few years. In the past, during these days, people used just to clean the graves of their beloved relatives and to pray in front of them,but, to be honest, I'm happy to see now the children who celebrate these days doing the "Trick or Treat" with a smile on their face. ;)
Your words about the "Foyle's War" TV series make me think about the stories I listened when I was a young girl from old people who lived the bloody years of the WW2. The father of my hubby was a child during that time and he never forgot that time of fear and hunger. Warm hugs, dear @zirochka , you are always in our hearts. ❤️


Thank you for sharing your traditions of celebrating, dear @silviabeneforti. In Ukraine, these days are also dedicated to the souls of the dead. That's what my mother says.

our words about the "Foyle's War" TV series make me think about the stories I listened when I was a young girl from old people who lived the bloody years of the WW2. The father of my hubby was a child during that time and he never forgot that time of fear and hunger.

Hunger and the fear of hunger is the strongest primal instinct. Thank you for your support.❤️🙏 The wish of my whole heart is for there to be no war anywhere in the world.
