Even though I don't usually watch movies, I only do once in a while when I'm very free, and even times that I'm free, I prefer Epic Nigerian movies, maybe someone is already saying this guy is local lols, but trust me there are Nigerian movies that really make sense.
Sometimes ago I had to watch a movie titled "Money heist" after many recommendation from my friends, they were all talking about it, so I just find time to watch, surprisingly when I started watching, I couldn't stop because I find it very interesting and till now it's still one of my favorite movie. Though it's been out for a while now but I can still recommend it for anyone that's yet to see it, you'll surely enjoy it if you're a lover of action movies.

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The movie is about a group of people that planned and eventually robbed the bank of Spain, the group consist of some cast like, professor (who happens to be their leader), Tokyo, Nairobi, Berlin, Rio, Denver and many others.

Before they moved into the bank, professor and the his gang already have everything all planned, what they will do from start to finish, the plan was so detailed, that it was nothing but a masterpiece. Whenever there's a problem, he will quickly go back to the drawing board again. Yeah lest I forget, professor works mostly in the background, while the others are on the field.
Robbery is not a good thing but this guys made robbery looks like it's a good thing lols, it got to a time that some citizens start supporting their actions lols.

One of the things that shocked me was how Raquel Murillo (Lisbon) fell in love with professor, Like how on Earth did the inspector that was in charge of the robbery case fell in love with the leader of the robbery gang, it's almost unbelievable. Though she was not aware of his personality on time, see had already fallen in love before she could realize what's really going on and to crown it all she later joined the robbery squad.

Everything was going as planned not until things starts falling apart.
The death of Nairobi really got me crying, through what happened to her I learnt a lesson that it's very risky for me to trust human beings, they can fail you anytime and any day.

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Nairobi had a son who's already 9 years old before they went in the bank, one of the police officers in charge of the case contact her that she had her son, she was so surprised and could barely believe her ears, not until the police officer took the boy out with him while Nairobi was watching both of them from the window inside the bank. Already the police officer has snipper men on standby, She was shot right there, luckily for her she survived it through the help of her colleagues but when she was just getting better, she was killed by another policeman named Gandia after shooting her on the forehead.

Her death made all others inside the bank very weak for losing someone very dear to them, some other people also died during the mission but Nairobi's death was more painful for me.
Another thing I love about the movie is the song, "Bella ciao," the song is very lovely.



You have a good taste! When nairobi died I was very sad like I didn’t want any of them to be dead like each an every character had their own speciality it was very saddening that she had to leave this soon. Like I know it was needed for the story to be more thrilling.



Yeah she left too soon but then it made the story more interesting.
Thank you for coming around.


I have been waiting for someone to talk about Money Heist. That movie is so 100% the suspense, the fun, the vibe, the story, the new thing you get to learn, etc.

One of the best movies out there.


Yes oo one of the best, the movie is just very interesting.


Many friends of mine suggest that one to watch but I am still unable to get time to watch it. By reading your post I feel I read the spoiler so it's decided that I won't watch it within one year because knowing everything before watching can destroy the suspense and I lose interest to watch it. I hope some years later I will watch the one. 😅 If i can remember the name of the movie/series


Ohh sorry I spoilt the movie for you already 😂
I only explained little things about the movie though, there are more interesting things there.