Pakka Commercial (2022)
When a justice system becomes a commercial system for the bad guys, people never have a chance to get justice. When an honest and fair judge cannot do justice and continues the process of trial, then it must be understood that justice is never possible in that court. If a judge cannot properly punish a criminal, he can never be considered a judge.
However, in the present time, instead of justice in court, justice is done in favor of criminals, as a result of which injustice, injustice and corruption multiply around us. Police, advocate and a judge have the most important and highest role to punish a criminal. But the last important function for justice is done by the judge. If there is a misjudgment, knowing how much human life can be lost, when the criminal goes free, a righteous victim as well as the judge has lost.
Today I am going to tell you about such a wonderful movie, where we will see the life of a justice and the interesting story of a modern day commercial advocate. Also, we will see how criminals win in court even after wrongdoing and how criminals become criminals for them. Also, if the courts and advocates are honest and courageous, it is possible to punish the criminals through the law. But today's interesting movie gives an excellent picture of the state of justice system around. Let us introduce you today's interesting movie.

Movie Name - Pakka Commercial.
Movie director and story writer - Maruthi.
Movie Genre - Comedy Crime.
Movie Based Own - Commercial Judging System.
The cinematography of the movie is done by - Karm Chawla.
Movie Music - Jakes Bejoy.
Run time of the movie - 2 hours 32 minutes.
Movie release date- 1 July 2022.
IMDB rating of the movie - 4.3 out of 10.
Personal rating of the movie is 3 out of 5.
Movie Country - India.
Movie Language - Telugu.

The important roles in the movie are played by:
Gopichand as Lawyer Ramchand played an excellent and interesting commercial advocate as the hero in the movie. Also, Raashii Khanna as Lawyer Jhansi has played the role of an interesting female advocate. In the movie Sathyaraj as Justice Suryanarayana played an honest and devoted judge. Rao Ramesh as Vivek and Dev Gill as Ayub Khan played the criminal roles in all the movies.

Interesting events of the movie:
1) Case of a judge father being fooled by his advocate son to take a car gift.
2) The case of Lawyer Jhansin playing the role of an advocate in the court is interesting in shooting.
3) Case of interesting case against director and case of Lawyer Jhansi Panistment in court.
4) Interesting story of an advocate hero settling the land through his action style.
5) The case of Ayub Khan's younger brother saving Advocate Lucky through an interesting idea.
6) Interesting legal battle between an honest and dedicated judge father against his commercial lawyer son.
7) Lawyer Lucky and Lawyer Jhansi interesting romantic story.
8) The interesting case of Vivek being trapped and punished by the court.
9) Interesting story of emotional feelings of a judge father and lawyer son.

Important events of the movie:
1) In the movie we see a case of a justice not being able to punish the criminal due to lack of evidence and victim Sita committing suicide due to lack of justice.
2) Sita's death due to Judge Suryanarayana's misjudgment and resignation from the judgeship.
3) If all the systems around us are bad then people cannot do any good work.
4) How a judge's son becomes a commercial lawyer and how a commercial lawyer settles land.
5) How a judge father was fooled by his lawyer son to take gifts from clients.
6) How a commercial lawyer saves others from court punishment for money.
7) Legal fight between father and son to get justice for poor people and honest people.
8) The commercial lawyer's son tried to remove his righteous judge father from Vivek's case by showing greed for money.
9) If the justice administration system becomes corrupt, then people cannot get justice in any way.
10) If the court lawyers continue to work commercially then the criminals will not get any punishment in the court even if they commit crimes.
11) All kinds of criminals can be punished by law if the lawyers of the court work honestly.
Lessons from the movie:
1) We see how the lives of common people are affected when a judge makes a wrong decision in court.
2) If all the systems around us go bad, then people cannot do anything good.
3) If the justice administration system is corrupt, then the criminals of the country tend to commit more and more crimes.
4) How commercial lawyers can change any case for money.
5) If the administration of justice system works properly, all types of criminals can be brought under the law.
6) Everyone should have knowledge about law and administration of justice.

Movie Review:
In the movie we first see a righteous judge suffering from indecision before the trial in court and due to lack of proper evidence he could not give justice to an innocent girl. As a result, the judge later repents and tries to help the victim, but the victim commits suicide due to lack of justice after losing his honor. A girl commits suicide due to a judge's misjudgment forcing our Justice Suryanarayana to quit his job.
On the other hand, Justice Suryanarayana's son Lucky was interested in studying law from an early age and grew up to become a commercial lawyer. However, his father was not aware of this commercial behavior of Lucky, which made Suryanarayana think that his son was an honest and devoted lawyer like him. But when Suryanarayana realizes that his son Lucky is a commercial lawyer, he chastises him a lot and the father-son relationship is strained.
Also we see an actress playing an interesting role as a lawyer who needs to shoot her drama and when the performance ends with her death in the middle of the shoot, the lawyer sues her director in court in Jhansi. Looking at Jhansi's Interesting Kaj Karma, I see a wonderful romantic story between Laiyar Lucky and Jhansi.
But when the judge father finds that Lucky won't take on poor people's cases for money, Suryanarayana starts a legal battle against his son in court and tells his son that it was for Vivek that he left his job as a judge 25 years ago. Lucky then interestingly arranges for Vivek to be punished by the court and fulfills his father's wish.
The movie seems very realistic and timely to me, because we see almost all the systems around us in commercial form. As a result, crime has increased in all sectors of the country and common people have lost faith in the law. I like the story of the movie, twist, action, romantic story, comedy, hope you will like the movie too. So, you must watch today's interesting movie and let us know in the comments how you like the movie.
Thank you all for reading about today's interesting movie and knowing about the movie. Everyone stay well and stay healthy.