Observing cultural differences through dating shows and reality tv


Recently I’ve been watching Japanese reality shows on Netflix to practice my Japanese, as well as other reasons which I'll share in a second.

For most of my life I wouldn’t touch this kind of thing with a ten foot pole. I always thought of them as garbage which takes advantage of our most primitive instincts, turning us into addicts and influencing the way we think.

While that may not be far from the truth, Recently I am less judgmental of many things, among them reality TV shows. I don’t feel threatened like I used to feel. I can accept that if nothing else, these types of cultural relics are an indicator of what is going on in the collective conscious and I enjoy watching them from an anthropological perspective, without initial judgements, just as an observer.

After trying to be as objective as possible, I look at myself again to see what kind of tension may or may not be building and what kind of “culture shock” I experience (culture shock being any behavior or way of thinking which doesn't really fit into my life or my way of thinking).

After the initial non-judgemental observation, I remain an observer but allow myself to become less objective and then try to observe my own subjectivity as obvjectively as I can.

It’s actually an incredibly eye-opening process.

Even if these shows are staged or more goes on than we see, what they show is a reflection and an influence on what people in the culture consider normal.

A few months ago I tried a few western reality shows, just to see how I’d feel about them. I realized “Love is Blind” has an American Brazilian and Japanese version, which was a great chance to see how acceptable culture norms vary across cultures, and people who don't mind being on TV in different cultures act differently.

My first main takeaway was that I already relate much more with the “Asian” perspectives than Western ones. That could be cause I’ve lives in Asia for 15 years but I think I’ve always been like this. I used to be incredibly anxious and introverted because I don't like who I become when I'm aggressive. I feel dumb.

Put bluntly.....Americans and Brazillians feel dumb to me (hahaha no offense!). Obviously these are just a few random people and not a clear indication of a regular person but I've lived in America for 20 years so I can attest that people are much more likely to be reckless with their words and make absurd statements than Japanese people.

Many people think of Japanese people as being shy, reserved or conservative, and that may be true but a lot of it comes from a massive sense of responsibility that is ingrained from a young age, very subtly through what is emphasized in media like this and through social approval and disapproval. (It's not like some other traditional culture where shame is spoken outright, it's often spoken through silence).

Japanese people are very very careful with their words and after teaching for 15 years I’ve come to find its one of the major reasons so few speak English well. It’s hard to communicate in general when you are always choosing your words carefully, let alone in another language...but the sense of responsibility translates into a feeling of respect which creates a much more harmonious atmosphere.

These are some subtle points that people look over when looking at Japanese culture.

The people in Love is Blind Japan felt way more realistic to me. It's important to note that they all knew they were on TV and could have just been acting good for the cameras and social clout, but that didn't stop the American and Brazillian participants from becoming over-emotional and exaggerating everything they said.

After three days of chatting behind a wall this is what each version of the show felt like...

Love is Blind Japan: "We really get along well, I'm kind of into you. This is really amazing".

Love is Blind America: "You are the most amazing person in the whole world! I've waited my whole life to meet you! I can't want to grab you and kiss you! "

Love is Blind Brazil: Rubbing body against the wall, crying "I WANT TO MERGE WITH YOU AND LET THE WORLD BURN AS WE MELT INTO EACH OTHER!"

For me, I felt the Japanese participants were much more mature.

But just for fun (and to dig deeper into the culture differences) I checked online to see rumors and interviews about what might be going on behind the scenes, and there was an equal amount of drama in both the US and Japanese versions.

This is consistent with what I know about Japan. There may be the same level of emotional immaturity in Japan as in other countries, but there is a much stronger effort made to hide it, partly out of a fear of embarrassment, but also out of a desire to not be a nuisance.

Obviously this manifests differently for different people regardless of the culture, but that sense of social harmony has it's positives and it's negatives. The positive is that you feel pretty good about the world and about people, because they are more predictable and less reckless in your presence. But you also have a sense of distrust all the time because you never know what's REALLY going on.

None of this is really new to anyone who has looked deeply into Japanese or western vs. eastern cultures, but to see it play out on TV is interesting.

Now I'm watching Terrace House, a Japanese version of "The Real World" that used to run on MTV when I was young. 6 young people living together, pitched as a very new and novel idea in Japan in 2012 hahaha, nobody knew The Real World or Big Brother or any of those I guess?

Terrace House (aside from being great for my level of Japanese) has brought up all kinds of other cultural points that I want to talk about, not only with regards to Japan but also to pop culture and fame.

There are tons of cringe moments as I am not a huge fan of pop culture, but I enjoy challenging myself to watch objectively and learn whatever I can.

I am not sure how interesting this is to the friends who usually read this blog but I would love to go into this topic more, either here, on a podcast episode or a vlog. Please let me know what kind of observations you have made while watching a reality show, I would love to know!

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Nice change of topic, buddy :>)

Nothing wrong with watching reality TV, unless you think it's the real world haha!
Even I do it, at times and not necessarily with anthropologist glasses on.

Let's bring this to the deepshit chat ;<)


I even started thinking about making the yt channel just commenting on pop culture in as non-biased a way as I can manage to look for what we can learn from seemingly trashy stuff 😆


That reminds me on the earliest Beavis and Butthead episodes, where they comment on music videos on MTV


Really interesting observations.

I've never watched any dating shows in any language, so I have no idea on any of it. But when you say about the differences in Western and Japanese sounds exactly right to me.

I've also never watched any reality TV.... I remember The Real World, but I also remember being pissed that MTV was moving in the direction of less music, so I skipped watching it as much because of that as because of my lack of interest in reality TV. I've heard numerous people say Terrace House is worth watching over the past few years, but I've also never watched it. Though on one hand I know it would be great for my Japanese, on the other hand... I couldn't be less interested. Haha.

Anyway, I enjoyed your writing here.


I also hated MTV moving away from music. Bravos and butthead was cool cause it still had music and a fair bit of underground stuff and variety. Kinda liked the cartoons but everything else felt really trashy to me. I miss the days of Black Hole Sun and Champagne Supernova and Amish Paradise.

I don’t know if it’s WORTH WATCHING. If you try to pick it apart to learn something about Japan then maybe, or like me if you want to learn to stop hating normies, it’s pretty good cause half the people there come across as really solid decent loveable humans. Whether or not that’s really them is another story but it’s made me appreciate honne and Tatemae a bit more, especially the watered down version of the generation that’s currently in their 20’s 😆 hearing Taylor Swift every episode is torture though

One takeaway was that japanese men arent as ashamed of crying in front of others as i imagined.


I don't like who I become when I'm aggressive. I feel dumb.

A large number of people always feel this way whenever they get angry.


Okay, from the illustration, The Brazilians really exaggerate😅. I have seen some American reality shows and most times I feel that people do not really care if they world is watching. They just bring out all they've got.

On the flip side, I haven't tried watching with another language so I cant really tell.


I suspect that 95% of people who join these programs want attention and so that’s a certain kind of person, usually the kind that doesn’t really care about how they come across or someone who is managing their behavior to come across a certain way. I kind of enjoy guessing which is which. How fake or real is each persona I see on the screen? How do they react to their fame after the show is over?

Exploring these kinds of questions makes these shows interesting to me. I can’t really watch for the plot or happenings themselves.


That's amazing. This means you watch it for more than just the entertainment and eventually, you do a follow up. Definitely a unique perspective.✨


I never even had an idea that there is anything like dating shows
I'll watch YouTube or some channels for some. I want to see how it looks like


Really? You’ve never seen a reality show or even an advertisement for one? You are lucky 😆 they can be a bit mind numbing but because all my friends are artists and weirdos, I use them to try and catch up with what mainstream culture is like.


You seem to have had quite visceral reactions to reality tv shows some time ago XD meanwhile I always thought they were mind numbingly boring and that's about as far as my judgement ever got x_x

in fairness to me and reality tv shows, I have ridiculous standards that not many things including myself can realistically meet and not a lot of time

How's it working out for practice? :D


I look at everything like an anthropologist, a stoned anthropologist lol.

Did I tell you when I went to Shanghai I couldn’t find anything that was really my style so I went to the most boring club with a pen and notebook and just took notes on my observations of human behavior? That’s exactly how I approach reality shows! I’m not recommending them to anyone hahahah no way


Now I'm wondering if you had an observer who was wondering what the hell you were doing XD


Every culture is different. I haven't had the opportunity to see the reality show you are referring to, however, as I was reading it came to my mind the programs about people falling in love with different cultures and countries. That is quite a challenge and although I know that some are full of drama and dramatization, it strikes me that some couples overcome their differences and stay together, while a good number leave within days or months of meeting. Sometimes I wonder if that kind of relationship is real and there are people who meet and fall in love through social networks ... I'm sure it is, but I have not had any close reference to prove it.


Assessing the level of deception on this kind of show is something I am constantly doing. Cause you could be fooled by the producers who nudge things in a certain way explicitly or subtly, or by the image that participants are trying to portray, but also your own biases about certain kinds of people.

I have always naturally been a bit judgmental of mainstream culture because it’s been pretty judgmental of me and the way I live and sometimes these kinds of shows help me get over my judgement, especially when I like some of the characters.


Excellent way to see the differences and similarities. Like you, sometimes I feel that I don't adapt to certain types of people and I just don't fit in... a cultural issue? I'm sure it is... the worst thing is that they are people from my own country and even my own family.


Lol I like living overseas because at least people expect me to be different 😆 I feel like an alien everywhere I go