Life Lessons From Five Feet Apart


Hi guys,

The week is about ending. Some of us have been fortunate to have a fruitful week whiles some haven’t had the luxury of having a good week. It’s my hope and prayer that we are able to go through next week and make it a good one.

Hive learners have presented us with an interesting topic and I just didn’t want to miss this one. Truth be told, I am not a movie lover. I can take ages to watch a single movie. When it comes to series I am that bad that it can even take months to watch such a movie.

Even though I don’t like movies, I still have a brother who likes to watch movies and I also have friends who love movies, they are also great movie recommenders so this actually makes it easy for me to have just the movie to watch when ever I feel like watching a movie on those days.

I like me a gentle kind of movie. A movie which is not full of all the fighting and bullets and all that kind of shit. I know a lot of movies are scripted but it turns me off when I see a movie with a lot of fighting and all that. The one that even annoys me more is that we all know they are lying but then I hate it when they one to make it appear so real. I hope am not the only one in this situation but then if I am that’s okay by me lol.

Five feet apart is my ideal type of movie. Five feet apart of an American love story which features 2 young couples who found love at a hospital. These young couples before they met are faced with a life threatening situation so these forces them to be or live almost all their lives in a hospital waiting to be matched with a donor to be treated.( more like waiting for someone to die). With their situation it requires that they are always five feet apart from each other so they do not make their situation worse.

When one is faced with this type of situation it’s really hard to find love. But these two couples whiles at the hospital device of plan so that they can be close to each other which maintaining the five feet apart rule.

The situation gets worse when they escape and decide to go for a walk. The girl which ends up falling In a pool of iced water at the park had a thing for the lights so the guy wanted to fulfil her dream. The guy dives into the water to save her but he is faced with only one option when he has the give the girl mouth to mouth to help her breath.


He has no other option but to do this before help arrives. Coincidentally when they finally get help the girl who is responding to treatment gets a donor and has to go into surgery quickly. Now, when she does get the surgery the distance she and the guy have to maintain will be much larger than 5 feet. They will not be even allowed in the same space as it can make matters worse for the lady. The lady who is already deep in love refuses to go through with it as she won’t be able to see the guy again.

The guy who is unselfish asks her to go into surgery so that she can finally get better as he on the other hand is not responding to treatment. Painfully the guy is not even allowed into the room after he surgery and can only speak to her on the phone whiles he does something special for her. He decides to fulfil her wish of seeing the lights by bringing the lights to her.

This movie is one that I’ll never get tired of rewatching. Firstly, it gets real as it can get as this can happen to any of us.

One sweet lesson that has changed the way I think is love is never enough. The feeling I love you is only a feeling but what happens when the one you claim to love is in a situation that requires you to make a life changing decision? Yes, you can have the feeling but what if it’s tested which it will always be.

In the end the lady tells us to make time out to love as we never know what can happen. In their situation they had to learn how to let go for the sake of love. Sometimes you can love each other dearly but then you have to let go as a sign of love.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I love movies with action and more drama
But this movie sounds like an interesting one
It is a type of movie that will definitely make me cry🥲


oh yes yes it is definitely one of those. Action movies turn me off these days


This reminded me of a book I read. The name has eluded me, though. It's a tragic love story about two sick young teenagers(they both suffered cancer). They weren't made to stay far off from each other, but they loved amidst chaos and uncertainty of whether any one of them would be alive the next minute.
An emotional story. Very interesting.
I enjoyed that book, and I feel like I'd enjoy this movie as well