Film Review: "The Flash" (2023) from a 25-Year-Old's Perspective

All of the images in this post were taken directly from the film properties.

Following my review of Batman's character in the 2022 Batman movie, I'd like to continue with another version of Batman that I watched in "The Flash" (2023). Ever since the film was announced years ago, I've had mixed feelings about it. After finally seeing Barry Allen's solo adventure, played by Ezra Miller, my impressions were not entirely satisfying. There are several aspects worth appreciating, but many that disappoint. As many people have said, this film has a "Come, watch, then forget" quality.


  1. Easily Understandable Storyline
    One commendable aspect is director Andy Muschietti's ability to adapt the storyline from the "Flashpoint Paradox" comic and make it easy to understand. Barry Allen's attempt to go back in time to save his mother, resulting in significant changes to the timeline, is an interesting premise. Although the multiverse concept can often be complicated, this film successfully presents it with simple and clear analogies.

  2. Nostalgic Scoring
    One of the most prominent elements of this film is its musical score. Hearing the 1989 Batman soundtrack with a modern touch provided a thrilling viewing experience. The music wraps up every important moment perfectly, especially in the fight scenes and emotional moments.

  3. Barry Allen's Character Development
    The film also showcases Barry Allen's character development by showing his interactions with his younger, childish self. This adds depth to Barry's character and demonstrates the maturation process he undergoes.

  4. Michael Keaton's Performance as Batman
    Michael Keaton's presence as Batman is one of the film's highlights. Keaton successfully brings back the iconic charm of the old Batman, delivering satisfying fan service for longtime fans.


  1. Lackluster Acting by Ezra Miller
    Despite Ezra Miller's dual role as both the adult and young Barry Allen, his acting feels emotionally flat. When Barry reunites with his mother, it should have been a powerful emotional moment, but Miller's expressions and delivery felt bland. This makes it hard for the audience to feel the depth of Barry's struggle and conflict.

  2. Raw Visual Effects
    As a superhero film heavily reliant on CGI, "The Flash" falls short of expectations in terms of visual quality. Some scenes, especially those involving The Flash's costume and the battle against Zod, look rough and unrealistic. Considering the lengthy production time, the subpar visual effects are quite disappointing.

  3. Weak Antagonists
    Zod and Dark Flash as antagonists do not leave a strong impression. Zod is not as intimidating as he was in "Man of Steel," and Dark Flash feels more like a side character. The main conflict in this film stems from Barry's actions in altering the past, which reduces the intensity of the external threat.

  4. Unsatisfying Conclusion
    The film's ending feels anticlimactic and lacks a deep impact. After two and a half hours of watching, I felt that the story's resolution did not deliver the expected satisfaction. Many elements felt unresolved and left hanging.


Overall, "The Flash" is an entertaining superhero film but does not leave a lasting impression. While it succeeds in presenting an easy-to-follow story and nostalgic music, it fails in terms of visual effects and the emotional delivery of its main actor. For DC fans, the film might be worth watching to satisfy curiosity, but for those expecting something more than mere entertainment, "The Flash" may feel quite ordinary. With a score of 7.3/10, the film is not entirely bad but also does not manage to become one of the best superhero films ever made.

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Thank you for reading this far into my article. Hopefully, there is something you can get from what I have shared.
