Rurouni kenshin
"Rurouni Kenshin" is a popular anime and manga that combines action, drama and historical elements. Created by Nobuhiro Watsuki, the story follows Kenshin Himura, a skilled swordsman who seeks redemption for his past as an assassin during the Meiji era in Japan. Kenshin carries a reverse-edged sword as a symbol of his promise not to kill. The plot focuses on his efforts to protect those he loves and right the wrongs of his violent past. Throughout the series, Kenshin meets various characters, such as Kaoru Kamiya, Sanosuke Sagara and Hajime Saito, each contributing to the complexity of the plot. "Rurouni Kenshin" stands out for its intense combat scenes, moral values and a careful representation of the historical era. The series has left a lasting mark on anime culture, appreciated for both its thrilling action and touching moments.