RE: Pizza and monkeyman movie.

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But he is healed up in 5 mins... Hahahahahah

How could he even stand after what he went through same vibes I got from the last John Wick movie where john falls twice through the 1000 steps.


I believe it was 440... But yeah. And magically healed again in 5 minutes to get hurt again...


Even thought Monkey Man was unrealistic but John Wick the latest version was 10 times more unrealistic as the hero fell from a building after being shot in close range from a building, then he felt with a kick from scott atkins from the 2nd floor I think and he got bashed all throughout the movie I was shocked how did he even end up dieing while on reddit people are saying he is still alive somehow.


Yeah. It hurts to fight. It's not this edgy gritty experience. It's traumatic and painful.

But it's Hollywood. Lol like the Bollywood of monkey man.


I had such moments of laughter in Monkey man where the hero wears that "monkey Mask" and his constantly being bashed by every one in the fighting ring.


The knife in the teeth throat cut...

Oh it's so bad it's bad... It's horrible...


Yes there are some really disturbing scenes in this movie. I am shocked how you can endure to watch such acts of violence as you seem to be really peaceful for me.


To the Shoshone warrior that chopped up 7-8 men and got a body part... then won.tje court case and didnt spend a day in jail?

The swordsman that has 30 years of bladed weapons experience?

The most feared out of our entire native American family of killers?

Got tested for my knife skills and got a master of the blade from my family for removing the entire bone structure from a deer hind leg. First try.


To the Shoshone warrior that chopped up 7-8 men and got a body part... then won.tje court case and didnt spend a day in jail?

Yes but this does not make you a bad person; you were merely protecting your self in self defense and that is your human right by birth.


Hahahahahahhahaha! I'm nonviolent because I make the choice to be that. I'm capable of massive violence.


Hahahahahahhahaha! I'm nonviolent because I make the choice to be that.

That is a wise choice as light kills darkness.