RE: Prison Break


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T Bag was undoubtedly the best character in it, I agree. Or Cole Pfeiffer!

Season one had too much of a chicken licken feel for my liking, what was it - 8 people who ended up trying to escape?

I liked Brad in the end.

Too many holes in it for my liking. As to the way Michael manages to 'gain access' to something at the end of season 5, utterly ludicrous. You'll see what I mean.

Nice twists at the end I didn't see coming mind.

So enjoyable enough, actually even counting the holes was enjoyable.

You have get nostalgic about tech today too, it just wouldn't work with today's smartphones and security tech!


Brad really grows on you throughout the show, something about his character and how he grows and develops keeps you wanting him to continue. When he threatened his friend on the phone and then gets arrested for his murder LOL


I liked the title of the episode where he dies, I can't remember it off the top of my head, but it was fitting.

Brad, trapped in the captivity of negativity!