Predestined Love (2023)



Hello, it's the perfect time to present my South Korean series summaries. This time it's the opportunity of A Predestined Love, a story with 16 episodes where love, magic and difficulties form an interesting mix. This was the series that I enjoyed at the beginning of this week and looking through the long Netflix playlist to get out of the momentary boredom I found this Drama of 2023 and from the first episode I was excited to see what would be the end of these protagonists who seem to be united by a sad past full of many clues to fit.Fitting in clues is something I like in a series that adds action to the story.

Hola, llegó el tiempo perfecto para presentar mis resúmenes de series surcoreanas. Esta vez le toca la oportunidad de Un Amor Predestinado, una historia con 16 episodios donde el amor, la magia y las dificultades forman una mezcla interesante.
Esta Fue la serie que disfrute a inicios de esta semana y es que buscando entre la larga lista de reproducción de Netflix para salir del aburrimiento momentáneo me encontré con este Drama del 2023 y es que desde el primer episodio me entusiasme de ver cuál sería el final de estos protagonistas que parecen estar unidos por un pasado triste lleno de muchas pistas que encajar.Resolver las pistas es algo que me gusta en una serie que le suma acción a la historia .


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💖A Predestined Love

To begin with, I must confess that, despite enjoying kdrama for me it's still a bit complicated to learn the names of the main characters😅, but don't worry I already got them for this post. This drama takes us to the love story between an environmental department official named Lee Hong-jo and a lawyer named Jang Shin-yu.
Enjoy these characters as always, each of them has their special touch of sweetness and rudeness. The story for these main characters starts in an unexpected way; however, each episode shows us that their paths crossed at the right time. Our interesting lawyer struggles with a curse, one that has been running through many generations in his important family. It seems that this guy was waiting for a tragic end for him. Sweet Lee Hong-jo arrives to change his whole world and inherits a box containing a magic recipe book. Little by little, from the first chapters, everything takes shape, a growing adventure.

Para empezar, debo confesar que, a pesar de disfrutar los kdrama para mí sigue siendo un poco complicado aprenderme los nombres de los protagonistas😅, pero no se preocupen que ya los tengo para este post.
Este drama nos lleva a la historia de amor entre una funcionaria del departamento del medio ambiente llamada Lee Hong-jo y un abogado llamado Jang Shin-yu.
Disfrute de estos personajes como siempre, cada uno de ellos tiene su toque especial de dulzura y rudeza.
La historia para estos protagonistas empieza de una forma inesperada; sin embargo, cada episodio nos enseña que sus caminos se cruzaron en el tiempo indicado.
Nuestro interesante abogado lucha con una maldición, una que viene recorriendo muchas generaciones en su importante familia.
Parece que este chico estaba esperando un trágico final para él. La dulce Lee Hong-jo llega para cambiar todo su mundo y heredar una caja que contiene un libro mágico de recetas. Poco a poco, desde los primeros capítulos, todo va tomando forma, una aventura que va en aumento.


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😘Past and Present in the same History

Bringing the past and the present together in the same story is very interesting. For Korean culture this has great importance and meaning. For this reason, in every script of the series we see how their traditions and beliefs stand out. A fated love does not escape from those principles; it is for this reason that the theme of the curse and the threads of destiny, life and death, are a key piece to trace a drama that brings to the present the past of each protagonist. You have to see it to enjoy this story.
A love story also needs a cast that gives us fun and action-packed moments. To be honest, some characters earned my disdain from the beginning. Social class and bullying are very common between rich and poor, so we will see this juice in this story. So far a little bit of this summary, the story is very nice and I know that if you have seen it you will agree with me that it is a good option to enjoy and have a good time.Personally I really liked this story and it is already on my favorite playlist

Unir el pasado y el presente en una misma historia es muy interesante. Para la cultura coreana esto tiene una gran importancia y sentido. Por esta razón, en cada guion de las series vemos cómo destacan sus tradiciones y creencias. Un amor predestinado no escapa de esos principios; es por esta razón que el tema de la maldición y los hilos del destino, la vida y la muerte, son una pieza clave para trazar un drama que trae al presente el pasado de cada protagonista. Tienes que verla para disfrutar de esa historia.
Una historia de amor también necesita de un elenco que nos regale momentos divertidos y llenos de acción. Para ser sincera, algunos personajes se ganaron mi desprecio desde el inicio. La clase social y el acoso Escolar son muy comunes entre ricos y pobres, así que veremos este jugo en esta historia.
Hasta aquí un poco de este resumen, la historia es muy bonita y sé que si la has visto estarás de acuerdo conmigo que es una buena opción para disfrutar y pasar un buen momento. En los personal me agrado mucho esta historia y ya esta en mi lista de reproduccion favorita.


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Thank you for reaching the end of this post💋
❤️Credits ❤️

Texts converted to DeepL Translate Main image portrait made by me in Canva with free resources Images edited in Canva
Predestined love👉Images
See you in a future publication About Kdrama 💋



I'm done watching this drama too and it was last year since I've been watching K-dramas almost every day and I feel you, no matter how many dramas I watched, still, I'm not into remembering their names and even not good in their language. 😁


it is complicated to remember the names, however they are good stories with very interesting messages, thanks for reading this review. 🤗


Unnie I love your review, as much as I love the main character of the kdrama.chanchan


No te pierdas mi proxima reseña de afecto del rey, te invito a compartir tu experiencia con K-drmas, se que haz visto mucho , ah y chan eun-woo😍, no es tuyo.