Augmented Love - A Love Poem that Tries to Avoid any Use of Cliché


Augmented Love.jpg

Please do consider watching the video performance and short film because they really add to how this poem feels, and express the slow rhythm of waking up I was trying to convey.

Augmented Love_text.png


This poem is my attempt to write a love poem without resorting to all the tired old clichés. It describes that state at the beginning of a relationship where everything is almost unreal in its intensity.

I decided to produce a spoken word performance of my poem, as I think hearing poetry read out is a totally different experience. Often the images that tell the story in poetry can be misconstrued in their interpretations. In my experience, a spoken word poem, read out by the poet, can get over this issue. The emotions expressed through the reading can highlight some of the meaning and build a clearer picture in a sea of metaphors.

When I listened back to the poem I realized it contains some obscure word choices so I thought it would be helpful to include a text version above 🔼

I don't want to analyze my poem any further as the joy of poetry, just like good art, is that people can interpret the imagery differently. Take a watch of the video and let me know in the comments what it evoked for you.

Thanks for reading/watching 🙂🌿

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I would like to give a big shout-out to @stickupcurator (and @stickupboys) for their amazing contribution to supporting music, art and all things creative on hive. If you haven't already, you should go check out their account for music, crypto podcasts and much much more 🙂👍

All pictures used are creative commons licence, credited beneath the image apart from the second image (used in the SoundCloud reading) which is my property, taken on a dive trip to the Farne Isles to scuba dive with seals. If you have enjoyed this poem, you can check out my homepage @raj808 for similar content. Thank you.

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