


It is a film that leads us to expect a current issue, and it is very important that people understand what weapons of mass destruction are, how they are created, who has the power to decide. To understand the film well, one must be well-informed about the political, sociological, ideological and even economic events of the Second World War. I am not saying that you have to be an expert, but I do have a solid foundation in history, or at least have read a book or a summary on the subject where everything that happened has become clear to you. Since the film does not expose the context as such, that is taken for granted and that is why many people could find it boring because they do not understand the events well.

Es una película que nos lleva que esperar sobre un tema de actualidad y es muy importante que la gente entienda que son las armas de destrucción masivas, cómo se crean, quién tiene el poder de decidir. Para entender bien la película hay que estar bien informado sobre los acontecimientos políticos, sociológicos, ideológicos y hasta económicos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. No digo qué hay que ser experto, pero sí tener bases sólidas sobre la historia, o al menos haberte leído un libro o un resumen sobre el tema donde te haya quedado claro todo lo qué pasó. Ya que la película no expone como tal el contexto, eso se da por entendido y por eso a muchas personas podrían resultarle aburrida porque no comprenden bien los sucesos.



Fortunately, and without believing myself to be a critic or anything like that, World War II is a subject that has fascinated me for many years in which I have been informed about that period, so for me, fortunately, it was perfectly understandable. So let's say it's not a movie for everyone, but it's still interesting. Otherwise, all you will see are equations, strange explanations, characters without knowing who they were, problems without apparent meaning, legal disputes that are not understandable, dates and names that do not tell you anything, etc. The excellent performances, especially the protagonist and with the exception of Matt Damon, who didn't fit the military role, but everyone else was great. It doesn't have the best photography, but it does have an excellent story where anguish, fear, horror and impotence are felt all the time, especially during the construction of the bomb and the subsequent trial. It can be seen!! Until a next contact.

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