The Marvels


When you squeeze lemons too hard, you shouldn’t expect a nice tangy taste. Instead, it gets bitter. This is what I concluded after watching The Marvels. Honestly, I am not a fan of Marvel comics adaptation except for the Hulk one. I just like how he bangs. Other than the Hulk, you’ll find me watching the Marvel series only when I’m out of the movies.

Jokes apart, well, let’s say jokes intended, The Marvels did well in adding a bit of humour here and there. The inclusion of a South Asian family and their lifestyle worked as a release of monotony throughout the movie but at the same time, this could make it redundant to people who have no idea how a South Asian family functions.

Don’t know if it’s an actual adaptation of some Marvel comics but seeing them talking in Hindi/Urdu seemed interesting; of course, with typical expressions. And considering our Ms Marvel as a potential bride for the family made me laugh out loud. I thank the director for highlighting this unique trait of South Asian mothers; whenever they see a beautiful girl, they want her as their daughter-in-law!

Uglier before it gets, let me assure you that the movie is not that degraded. You have a nice story, as usual, some sort of saving the universe and always ending with a loose strand to lead into the next release. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a high-definition version to enjoy the subtle details of the graphical works. I got it on Torrent and to put me in surprise, I heard someone coughing nearby, LOL!

Anyway, there’s a cat. A very regular one until it swallows people and anything around. Gives me a creep. Also, it lays eggs; they look like human brains. As soon as they hatch and more cats are born, they can swallow things as well— I was just like, why on earth do cats have to swallow people in a superhero movie? And a tribe that speaks through songs??? Not some regular songs but with tune and dance??


However, there’s good in it.

After all, Marvel is a brand and brands don’t fake it all. I actually liked the making of a villain. It has a cause. Legitimate one. Not a psychopath or a killer who enjoys destroying things. A villain who wants to save the people she is responsible for; wants to return to them the resources they once had. It’s like a war— you cannot say who is right or wrong as all parties are right from their own perspective. In that sense, the actions of this supervillain are justified.

But again, there’s a joke. Pursuing a bangles. They looked like a piece of brass-coloured metal made of rusty tin. Nevertheless, they hold superpowers within. Once united, those bangles can unleash a power so massive that can restore the energy of an entire universe. Well, there’s nothing hilarious about that cause movies are meant to entertain and superhero movies go overboard to introduce such weird concepts. However, fancy a bangle like that? Kidding.

About the next release I mentioned earlier, one of our heroes got stuck on the other side of the universe. Not dead but stuck. So, I think we’ll continue somewhere from there but cannot stretch on it as I have no clue if there’s really a next chapter connecting this. But I sense something like that. After all, Marvels mean business and no matter the story/plot, every Marvel movie earns a fair share at the box office. Cheers to that!


To me the Marvel was nice movie but more spice are needed in..
My opinion.


I didn't like it, but that doesn't mean it's garbage, people have different perspectives and to others, it might still be a blockbuster. But as you said, more spice would make it better. Thanks for stopping by, appreciate your opinion.


It's so coincidential how I come to see this publication right after making a review on this same movie haha. Very awesome.


Coincidence is a beauty in itself. I read yours and liked how you recap the story with a bit of a twist, keep it up.


Oh didn't know you read mine cuz I red yours too. Thanks Alot.


I like your subtle blend of wit and observation. Dude, your mentions of peculiar elements like a cat with unique abilities, mystical bangles, and a villain with a legitimate cause made me remember the anticipating cinematic journey of Marvel! stories. Noice!


Observation is my speciality, you know that too well. :v :v


I love the way people are hyping this Marvel movie but I’ve never watched it
And it’s like you don’t really like it
Nice review!


Maybe you watch and find it yourself, I might be biased, who knows?