

When it was first released back in 2023 (seems like 2023 is already far behind), I thought about watching it but as always, I am not a big fan of science, especially physics and chemistry. I always hated those two subjects including math. No wonder I suck at trading.

But luck ran out. No movies on the list to spend the time lazily in bed. So, finally decided to watch it and woah— my 3 hours of constantly looking at the screen paid off. I can’t say I’m overly satisfied but yeah, did the job.

Talking about the plot, well, it’s huge yet can be outlined in a single idea— the invention of the atomic bomb with a noble (lol) intention of peacekeeping across the world during World War 2 amidst rising tension among nations. It was referred to as the ‘Manhattan Project’ which sounded to me like ‘Man Hunt Project.’

No offence.

It’s too broad of a story to put into a 3-hour timeframe but somehow, it did good. Highlighting all the important events, prominent figures, and especially, the political drama that still continues to this date. And I found it really amusing to refer to scientists like Einstein and others as common folks. Well, back in that time they were just like us, common folks but with extraordinary thinking capabilities defined by brilliance and excellence. When we talk about them in this age, we remember them with utmost importance and gratitude but back then, among the prominent brains, they were ‘buddies.’

Also, I thought most womanisers are musicians. Don’t know if that was the actual case with Oppenheimer, but his affection towards women made me think beyond the stereotype— scientists don’t spend their whole life in the lab doing all the wonders; they love to love too, spend time with the opposite genders, they have emotions, they feel responsible, they regret.

Overall, the characters were played very well, the set was built giving attention to detail although flashing back to B&W and colours wasn’t necessary I guess. But yeah, gave it a classy vibe, like the contemporary time it took place. And there’s tension; a whole lot of it. This is what kept me glued to the screen without a break. Politics is above all, even above valuable innocent lives— once again, it is established and when Mr. President offered Oppenheimer a tissue to wipe off the metaphorical blood his hands were soaked with, you can sense how far politics can go to establish its agenda. A shame on us, humans.

Inventing the bomb was the initiation of massive destruction that resulted in losing lives valued to thousands. The nations are still persuading the deadlier weapons than the others to establish their superiority, and to dominate the available resources in the name of peacemaking. It’s a far more complex concept that the world is fed on, my tiny brain can’t figure a way out of it but I really hope we live in peace, naturally, not forcing it. Maybe the mistake was made earlier, as the opening statement of the movie suggests—

Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and gave it to man. For this, he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity.

God knew it better.



Sometimes I ask myself questions like why do we invent bombs?
Why are we creating things that can ruin us itself
I just hope the world could be a better and fantastic place


why do we invent bombs?

Perhaps that's beyond our understanding but at the same time, I believe our understanding won't make a difference. Let's hope the world becomes a peaceful place someday.


It must have definitely been a movie worth watching which you tried on


Yes it is, you are welcome to watch if you haven't already.