Accused— of what?


When lifesavers take lives away instead of saving them, there’s none you can trust anymore. Similar to the justice system in any society or country, when you are betrayed by the very system of justice, whom you can trust anymore?

Long ago I watched a movie based on a true story of a nurse killing patients with medicine overdose to satisfy his psychopath mindset. This Dutch movie; Accused, also revolves around the same vibe but there’s a difference between the two in the discussion. But you have to watch both of them to find out yourself, cause I am not spoiling the little bit of suspense you may grow reading this.

Patients getting killed intentionally by the nurses are very rare I suppose. I didn’t hear news breaking out every now and then claiming this, in any country. But this might be happening without our knowledge. And who knows when and where this might happen but let’s hope this doesn’t become a case with you or your family.

Getting an overview of the story, a nurse is accused of killing a number of babies or elderly people with medicine overdose/inappropriate medication. The hospital authority filed a case, and the police department working on this case was desperate to prove their worth as they lost another case recently, as the plot suggests. So, they try their best, to find clues, match them with facts, and with strong arguments and justifying killer motifs, convince the court. The criminal is sentenced to life. That’s 65 percent of the plot, the real twist begins later and you are welcome to find it out yourselves.

So, how was the story? Performance? Any flaws?

To me, the story is fair enough. It has the thrill I usually seek. The viewers are kept suspicious of the outcome of every scene and event. Always confused by the dual characteristic of the nurse accused and it’s really hard to believe she did all this. At the same time, it’s very easy to be convinced of her killer attitude. Given that, the characters were well acted by the artists, in my opinion.

But there could be more.

For example, it’s a true story. It was a long debated case in the Dutch court. So, the plot could be more centric on the court hearings and all the complexation rather than flashing back to the dark and sad youth of the nurse involved. There could be a clear indication of what happened afterwards, the link between events, and a wholesome representation of the background story; not just a few flashbacks.

Now, is IMDb 7 rating too ambitious for this film?

7 is a big number.

Usually, viewers are touched by the tagline ‘based on true events,’ still, the masterful dramatisation should be considered against the fictitious addition to spice up the story when rating something. In that case, I’d say this movie is overrated. I’d happily rate it 7 or more if there was a perfect ending, with all strands knotted together and making it more informative. But it’s a good watch, I must confess. Especially the young prosecutor, I liked her charm.



7 rating is not too bad according to my own perspective


7 isn't bad at all, in fact, it's above average and closest to 'must-watch.' My point is, 7 for this film is a bit overrated:)


It is really crazy to see that a nurse is killing patients. Sometimes, I usually ask what prompt people to bring up that dirty behavior
It is absurd
This movie is a must watch


Indeed it's shocking to learn behaviour like this but that's what defines a psychopath. You are welcome to watch the film and I bet you'll end with something else than just finding it all about the killing ;p


7 means it is much more than average and so it will be worth to actually try it out