Barbenheimer delivers two great but very contrasting viewing experiences


Barbenheimer has been the big thing this summer. You can't take two steps on the streets without seeing an advert for either of these movies and if you're the kind who doesn't subject your body to the perils of the outside worlds you can't have missed the countless memes on the internet. It's the father of the atom bomb vs. the stereotypical blonde girl. It's Oppenheimer vs. Barbie.


I've been to watch both of these movies in the cinema during the summer and while I can safely say that I like the one better than the other I can also safely say that they are both good movies. They are also very different movies. Oppenheimer delivers a slow but intense story that is based on real events. Barbie delivers a silly and somewhat depressing story targeting patriarchy and the struggles of women in todays society.

Oppenheimer was the clear winner for me. How the story is told and how it builds up is simply done in a masterful way. Just what you would have expected from Christopher Nolan. It borrows a lot from his earlier works. The way the music was implemented and how the movie was cut and builds reminded me a lot of Dunkirk. It was all very Nolan-esque.

Yet, Barbie is most likely the most memorable of the two. It's in many ways more unique than what Oppenheimer is. If you manage to see through all the pink gloss there is a powerful message behind the movie. Using a brand like Barbie that has this big of a reach to convey that message is simply very clever.


Oppenheimer tells the story of Robert Oppenheimer who was the leading man in developing the atomic bomb. The movie delves into all aspects of this story from the researching and building of the bomb in Los Alamos to the security hearings accusing him of being a communist. This is all cut together in a way that keeps the viewer on edge for the full 3 hours of the movie. When the movie ends you've been told a story about how the world was forever changed.

Barbie tells the story of Barbie living in Barbieland. There are all sorts of Barbies living in Barbieland and they're all called Barbie. All of the Barbies that has been presented through time are present from President Barbie to Stereotypically Blonde Barbie. In Barbieland everything is perfect and every day is girls day until one day it simply isn't. From here on out it's all about patriarchy and feminism all delivered with a great sense of humor.


Both of these movies has a really great cast. Oppenheimer is specked with great actors like Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Robert Downy Jr, Gary Oldman and I also have to mention the Norwegian Trond Fausa who got a surprising amount of screen time during the climaxing minutes of the movie. All of these actors and the ones that went unmentioned did a fantastic job in their roles.

Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling are the poster actors for Barbie. Still we get to see quite a few known faces. Michael Cera portrays a weird and insecure discontinued doll named Allan. Basically a role made for him. I normally don't like Will Ferrell but he really suited his role of the goofy CEO of Mattell. There's also a fantastic cameo from John Cena as a mermaid.

I would really recommend watching both of these movies. If you're only going to watch one of them in the cinema I would definitely choose Oppenheimer. There's a few scenes that I imagine are far more impactful on the big screen and with a powerful sound system than they are on the TV. While the colorful world of Barbie also has its place on the big screen the message they are trying to convey is easily justified being conveyed on the small screen.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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the best of all is that they are both very good films, I think that gives even more merit to this phenomenon, Barbie is a comedy for adults that children can watch and my girlfriend loved it from beginning to end, and Oppenheimer is much more dramatic and fatalistic


Well said. That pretty much sums up these movies.


Greetings friends, two great movie classics, which are trending and have been trending for a long time, both films show two totally different stories, however, the message of each one of them is the best and will make us think, since they are two important movements for history. A launch that allowed them to raise a lot of money and now we have to wait if that story will continue. Great that you enjoyed.


Why do I feel like I am the only one that haven’t seen this Barbie movie on the blockchain😰


Haha, well it is one of the most watched movies in cinemas this past month. :P


I haven't seen Barbie and waiting until the hype dies down. I am seeing the cinema around me is still playing Oppenheimer so, I might go watch that one. Also there's Jumanji Next level, can't wait to watch that one as well.


Definitely to Oppenheimer in cinema if you have to choose! I haven't watched Jumanji since the old Robin Williams movie. Are the new ones any good?


Honestly, I have been seeing people making posts about Barbies here and there and I didn't know that it was a movie until
Don't mind me. I didn't have any interest or even wanted to get familiar


That's impressive that you haven't seen a single advert about it. Must not be pushed that hard in your country I guess. It's on every bus stop around where we live.


Barbie is my favourite since childhood, I grew up playing with it. Still haven’t watched the movie, but as you have said Oppenheimer is giving a kick you made me excited about it. Then I must watch Oppenheimer at first 😀


I knew almost nothing about Barbie before watching the movie but it was still a great movie. Oppenheimer was fantastic. I hope you enjoy both of them!


I think with all the doom and gloom that surrounds theatres these days, the whole movement of these two films really shows that there is an interest to still go to them, whether it's just successful marketing or organic interest, I don't think I've seen people this excited to get back to the cinema since those Avengers films were coming to an end. It's really nice to see, hopefully it can continue with other films as well.

I'll probably watch them both when I get the time, out of curiosity. I won't be dressing in all pink when that time comes, though. :^)


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Both are on my too watch list, but I wasn't expecting that sort of depth from Barbie. I 100 percent expected Nolan to murder it with Oppenheimer though But I suppose there must be something about the box office record breaking film (Barbie) beyond the pink gloss. Thanks for the concise review without spoilers, something a lot of people can't do. Cheers mate


También fui a ver ambas, Barbie fue un lindo descubrimiento ya que no sabia que iba a tratar sobre Barbie en el mundo real dándose cuenta de lo que ocurre por otro lado las películas de Nolan siempre son fantásticas, disfrute mucho Oppenheimer aunque en lo personal sentí que estuvo un poco inflada de más y a mi parecer eran dos películas en una. Por un lado toda la creación de la bomba y abruptamente el juicio ahí sentí un gran quiebre que me saco un poco del hilo conductual pero de todas formas me encanto.


It was kind of weird that the climax of Oppenheimer came an hour before the movie ended. Still they managed to keep me interested for the last hour.