Spring Cleaning and Podcast Listening, Blog, New Digital Art and Photography, Revisited Poetry and Fiction, Spoken Word and Fiction Audio


Spring Cleaning and Podcast Listening

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Sorry for my absence, Hivelanders. I was struck with a tremendous need to Spring clean and minimize down the joint. Three days later and I didn't do a half bad job.

Got rid of lots of clothes and odds and ends. More than a few books and magazines. Having a 13-year-old limits the minimal, but he did sacrifice more than a few toys and half/once constructed lego sets.

We can now walk from one end of the place to the other without lego injuries.

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So now that we no longer have to kick a path clear or play Jenga with dirty dishes, one notices that the walls look a tad too much like a homage to Jackson Pollack.

Dollarama was a destination today for a mop and a duster. Tomorrow we will put the clean into Spring Cleaning; though that too will probably take another couple days. The oven and fridge need cleaning.


I used the busy work time to check out a few podcasts.

For the Geology buffs among you ... I know you are out there ... nerd rockers, you might want to check out PlanetGeo on Spotifiy.

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/6OdESrbWJ3y93dN9vHyyBD?utm_source=generator)

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Chris and Jesse, a teacher/student turned teacher/professor duo share their love of rocks and all things geology. It is a pretty science-light journey and entertaining. The pair share nerdy banter, and you can tell they love their subject matter.


I mainlined the fault-lines and tectonic plates for a couple days before I began to jones for something different. Boy, did I need a drink after two days of cleaning out closets and cupboards, but I am still trying to lose a few pounds; so I chose instead to lives vicariously through pod wine, in other words a podcast about wine.

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Wine for Normal People was a pleasant find, again on Spotify.

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/2oxTrXfJEyGpGnAYudk2N7?utm_source=generator)

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I was a pretty serious oenophile there for a few years. I nerded out on the vino; so the podcast was more of a refresher for me ... get it ... but I think it would probably be pretty good for those just getting into the grape-stuff too.

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So there was no malbec or chardonnay for me. Instead I chose to pair my carnivore pizza ... clams and olives ... if your asking ... yes, I know that would have gone amazingly with a Chianti, minus the fava beans ... Silence of the Lambs did for Chianti what Sideways did for Merlot ... But no, there was no Shiraz or Zinfandel either, I chose instead diet root beer on ice.


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Minime and I enjoyed our pizza and root beer while watching the first three shorts of Star Wars Vision on Disney Plus.

Sith was rather amazing for the amount of characterization and narrative it was able to place into 20 minutes, without actually putting much dialogue or narrative into the script. Everything is hinted at beautifully and easily grasped for any galaxy far, far away fan. The animation is original, at least I'd never seen its style before. The colors were bright but harsh slash line animation delivered the right level of disjunction in what seems at first to be an idealized world of day-dream making. Darker and hotter hues deliver the climax. The apprentice learns to meld the light and the dark and conquers both her Sith Master and her own fear of self.

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It happens that when the weather changes, the person also becomes busy for these things. All these orange flowers looks so beautiful and amazing. I really like it.