Mummies(2023), Movie Review Blog, New Digital Art and Photography


Mummies Review

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Saturday morning saw us once again at our local cineplex to catch a family movie. Mummies(2023) was on offer. The movie begins with Lord Carnaby, a play on Lord Carnarvon of King Tut fame, opening up the empty tomb of Princess Nefer. All is not lost. He also discovers a living route into the Duat.


Lord Carnaby has a lust for egyptology, acquiring artifacts, and acclaim, a strange mummy fixation among the dead and living. A running joke throughout the script has him accidentally calling his own sharp-tongued and overbearing Mummy. (They spell it that way in the Brit Isles.)

Hugh Bonneville voices Carnaby but isn't anything like his usual stiff, stuffy, but likeable Downton Abbey/Paddington-type self we are used to seeing. There'll be no dad-crushing with this one. Actually making him a little bit more redeemable probably would have improved the story.



We subsequently learn that the reason for the empty Nefer sarcophagus is that the princess has vacated her stone resting place for a forever life in the land of dead. The Duat kingdom, ruled by her Pharaoh father, voiced by the sonorous Sean Bean. Bean is absolutely under-utilized.


The residents of Duat never grow old, but remain forever dead and kicking. Nefer is of course a martial arts master. That they are already dead is something seemingly forgotten by the characters as the narration unfolds and they continually fear for their lives.


I mean what ... can they die twice? I suppose they could get injured, but hey, they are already wrapped in bandages from the neck down. So that's handy.

I know; I know. Kids movie ... suspend disbelief.


Mummies was a fantastic looking piece of anime and the characters likeable, despite being dead and being afraid of dying. I could almost forgive this horrible inconsistency if the two main characters, Nefer and Thut, hadn't fooled me into believing they were being voiced my Emelia Clarke and Hugh Grant.


And I don't think this was an accidental assumption on my part. I think that it was exactly what the producers intended. Nefer and Thut, as you will soon see, have indeed been drawn to resemble Clarke and Grant, and not the voice actors, Eleanor Tomlinson and Joe Thomas, who actually portrayed the characters.


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A punch-drunk phoenix mandates an arranged marriage like no other, and the commitment phobic pair of Nefer and Thut MUST marry and spend eternity together, or poor Thut will lose his eyes and his tongue. Nefer is a princess and so nothing will happen to her. Don't worry. Nothing is being rushed. Thut and Nefer have already had a cute meet, and of course, they hate/love each other.


Thut is given the sacred wedding wing to safeguard until the nuptials, or you guessed it ... have his eyes and tongue cut out. I suppose he is lucky that everything else in the Netherland is under wraps.

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The now speed-phobic, champion ex-charioteer, Thut, places the ring in the safest place he knows ... his tomb.

On the living side of things, Carnaby plunders the ring, and now Thut, along with his little brother and pet crocodile, must get it back. Nefer, who it turns out has voyeuristic tendencies, spies what is going on and follows the trio. They soon team up and experience an ancient Egyptian in modern London screen treatment.


I had higher expectations from the trailer for the flick, but for 3 bucks a piece, I can't really complain. Like, I said, Mummies was a great looking flick and a good enhancement on this year's Social Studies unit where we studied ancient civilizations, including Egypt. So give it a watch fi you have the time.

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You always have gorgeous pictures, the flower and sunset are fantastic. I think I may pass on the movie, sad that they didn't utilize Sean Bean to his full potential!


I am big fan of your photography. All these flowers looks so beautiful and amazing.