Lady Bugs and Taoism, Movie Review and PoetryBlog, New Digital Art, Photography and Revisited Poetry and Spoken Word


Lady Bugs and Taoism

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Yesterday morning, Minime and took in a family favorite at the Internation Village Vineplex. They were showing a second run of the Miraculous, Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Being a parent, you find a whole lot of your entertainment consumption, films and books, will come from the children's genre. It's not a bad deal, to have the excuse to revisit childhood, as long as what is on offer works on multiple levels.

Often, especially if you are comparing to more formulaic adult works ... action and romance ... you will find more symbolism and meaning in the children's fare. I found this to be the case with Lady Bug and Cat Noir, which just happens to be the work of the Awakening Production team.

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If you are a francophile you are going to enjoy this movie. It is set in an animated Paris, where there are colorful super villains, but no hucksters and shills at the Notre Dame, or hoards of poverty and crime on the streets of Monmarte and circling the Sacre Coeur. Let's just say Paris isn't what it used to be. I'm no fan of France's captured politics. The Paris of Lady Bug and Cat Noir is almost ideal except for those super villains already mentioned. The streets and tourist sites are bright, clean, and blooming with cherry blossoms.

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The people are peacefully multicultural, except for an now almost obligatory bullying rich white blonde girl ... eye roll.

Multiculturalism allows for the insertion of eastern philosophy into its super hero origin stories. Finally accessorized atop the marvelesque tightly-clad super hero trope is philosophical Taoism.

Lady Bug represents creation; Cat Noir ... as every cat owner knows ... a little destruction. It's yin and yang caught up in the eternal circularity of existence.

Life, death, and rebirth, all kept in motion and all maintained in perfect balance.

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All is well until Chaos is born, animated and brought to cartoon-life by Cat Noir's extremely wealthly father, who with the addition of a enchanted brooch becomes Hawkmoth. Like all agents of chaos, a desperate and twisted Hawkmoth spreads confusion and suffering, and way too much destruction. All stems from the desire to reverse the death of his wife and Cat Noir's mother. Hawkmoth takes on a Sisyphean task and attempts to turn backwards the wheel of existence. To necromance, which you will note, requires a lot of purple and butterflies.

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Extreme attachment to the old/memories, a refusal to celebrate and partake in the Now, brings about the perversion of love and the emotional separation, division, of Cat Noir and his father. Little Cat is neglected while his father pursues the unattainable. Cat Noir like all-evolving younglings attempt to replace parental/divine love with romantic love and falls head over heals for the masked Lady Bug. Meanwhile, Lady Bug's alter ego, Marionette, falls in love with mask-less Cat Noir, aka Adrian Agreste, and so the romantic tension mounts. They love each other, but different version of each other. To Lady Bug's credit she prefers the human Adrien and not the super avatar and fantastical Cat Noir.

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There is a lot to enjoy in this particular piece of child's entertainment fare, but for you to fully enjoy it, you gotta like a musical. I don't. At least not very often. I generally belong to the 'get on with the story' set and would rather it be spoken than sung. The musical interludes are however a great time to go to the bathroom or get that second morning coffee. I must admit Christina Valenzuela who voices Lady Bug ... and I assume sings her too ... has gorgeous pipe. Not too high ... they tend overplay sopranos in animated musicals. Her voice has a distinct, rich character. So at least she is not squeaking it.


(Just me exercising my shadow self through humour. I'm glad some of you like musicals and high sopranos;))

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All weather
Is an interplay between high and low
Defined so by relation to each other
There are no true borders
There is but one sky

On its own the high is too hot
The low, frigid

The high invades the low
There is no other way
The high is not evil
The low is not good

When the low fights the high
The sky reaches down with chaos
Storms are born

When the low yields
Expands to contain the high
All becomes mild

You have no enemies but those you fight
There are no borders but those you imagine

Insist on no dualities of high and low
Good and evil

Find the calm; find the mild

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Words and Images are my own.

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Nice story!
Beautiful pictures!


It is a fact that when a person has a holiday and a person sits and watches a movie with his family, he enjoys a lot. All the plants and flowers look very beautiful.


Yes, I agree. Movies are a little vacation,