Naruto Road to Ninja Movie Review I Love Kushina Uzumaki


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Naruto is a story that stands out for the battles and its power villains but has valuable moments in feelings that I consider were well developed throughout its extensive history, characters that even today I see and touch sentimental nerve in viewers or at least that's how it is in me.

Naruto Road To Ninja is another movie based on the character of Naruto, it is located after the arc of Pain and you can enjoy it on Netflix, now what caught my attention and encouraged me to see was the Akatsuki group, it is undoubtedly how those villains attract attention and I will always say that the most important thing in a story is not the hero, it is the villain because it is the one that gives purpose to the protagonist and the fan to get to have a reflection that can even be life.

I did not have many expectations of the film and so were my thoughts at the beginning while watching, I notice the fan service but then it deviates with characters like Choji and others that I really do not know who is interested, I pass them totally and I think the marketing of the producer seems not to know the fan because those characters could not even be called secondary, this is the biggest criticism that I leave the film.

Now I greatly encourage you to watch it because the positive thing about the film is when the story they want to tell us focuses on Kushina and Minato, at that moment my mind went back to those wonderful times when I expected to see the arc of Pain develop in all its splendor, I love Kushina because she is a great character that gives me a lot of feeling and Minato pairs well with her, her whole arc within the film is good nostalgia and that's what made me enjoy the film and recommend it.

Something to add is how funny it is to see the characters change, you won't see them as usual and although some of them don't catch my attention, Hinata totally captures my attention as well as Rock Lee because she makes me laugh out loud haha. In the Video you will listen to an extension with the emotions in all its splendor of my sensation right after watching the movie, I hope you dare to give it a chance because here writes a fan forever of Kushina.

Naruto es una historia que destaca por las batallas y sus villanos de poder pero tiene momentos valiosos en sentimientos que considero fueron bien desarrollados a lo largo de su extensa historia, personajes que aun hoy veo y tocan nervio sentimental en los espectadores o al menos así es en mi.

Naruto Road To Ninja es una película mas basada en el personaje de Naruto, se ubica luego del arco de Pain y pueden disfrutarla en Netflix, ahora lo que a mi llamo mi atención y me animo a ver fue el grupo Akatsuki, es indudable el como llama la atención esos villanos y siempre diré que lo mas importante de una historia no es el héroe, es el villano porque es el que le da propósito al protagonista y al fan para así llegar a tener una reflexión que inclusive puede ser de vida.

No tenía muchas expectativas del film y así fueron mis pensamiento al principio mientras veía, noto el fan service pero luego se desvía con personajes como Choji y otros que de verdad no se a quien les interesa, paso de ellos totalmente y pienso el marketing de la productora pareciera no conocer al fan porque esos personajes ni si quiera se les pudiera llamar secundarios, esta es la mayor critica que dejo al film.

Ahora animo enormemente a ver porque lo positivo del film es cuando la historia que nos quieren contar se centra en Kushina y Minato, en ese momento mi mente volvió a aquellos maravillosos tiempos en que esperaba ver desarrollar el arco de Pain en todos su esplendor, amo a Kushina porque ella es un personajazo que me da mucho sentimiento y Minato se acopla bien con ella, todo su arco dentro del film es nostalgia de la buena y es lo que me hizo disfrutar del film y recomendarlo.

Algo a añadir es lo muy cómico que es al ver a los personajes cambiar, no los verás como siempre y aunque en algunos no llama mi atención, en Hinata vaya que si capta totalmente mi atención al igual que con Rock Lee porque hace reír a mas no poder jaja. En el Video escucharas una extensión con las emociones en todo su esplendor de mi sensación justo luego de ver la película, espero te animes a darle una oportunidad porque aquí escribe un fan por siempre de Kushina.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



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naruto uno de mis animes favoritos hasta que bueno me le cambiaron la pareja que queria para él pero bueno, los capítulos de antes si son buenos jeje y esta película muy entretenida.

naruto one of my favorite anime until they changed the couple I wanted for him but well, the previous chapters are good hehe and this movie is very entertaining.


hahaha the anime couples have really caused a stir among the fans, in my case I went more for the battles but I did notice that the author doesn't master that romantic part 😅


Naruto es muy buen anime, pero la verdad es que yo prefiero a Sasuke jaja, buen post, debe ser muy buena película, gracias por compartir.


ajaja you are a fan of rebel sasuke, it is a great character because the style undoubtedly has it, if kushina and minato catch your attention, that aspect has the film and I think you will like it 😀


Thank you very much for your recommendation, I will take it into account.
Sasuke is cuter and sexier haha ​​than natural


I consider myself a Naruto fan, and I admit that I haven't seen this movie, so I failed as a fan, I know. I have to watch all the Naruto movies, I've seen some really good ones.

Thank you for sharing this review with us.


if you like kushina and minato, you might like this film, it's on netflix 😀


I have never watched Naruto anime or movie... well, except for the first few episodes and The Last: Naruto the movie because I'm a NaruHina fan. hahaha I do love the manga and I've followed it for a long time. :)

I also like Kushina... and Minato. It's just a shame that they don't get a lot of screen time.


oookey you haven't seen the anime but if you got to you the naruhina, they are a cute couple but honestly hinata is blind because naruto doesn't value her 😅

Now regardless of the above, the last is visually very well done, hinata is beautiful in that movie 😍


I just followed the manga... I just find them cute... Naruto is so dense, but Hinata is so pure... 😍😍😍

She is!!! 😎✨


So we love Hinata 😍, is a great character and what she did in pain arc was amazing 😃


That's where I love her the most... 🥰😍 Naruto's one lucky guy...


Honestly Naruto movies are not very good hahaha, but out of all this one is the one I like the most because of how comical it is, I feel that in the second half of the movie the quality declines, it's certainly very good to see Minato and Kushina 🤣.


ajajaj the funny part of Rock Lee i still remeber and i still laugh ajajaj 😂😂


Luhhhh ahahahaha I remembered this movie! This is the first naruto movie that I've watched, and I'll admit that I really watched it again and again...The plot was really funny and their alternate characters in there were really hilarious (except for Menma). That world was definitely the perfect what if in Narutoverse...


ahahaha believe me I appreciated that about the film, in fact the boring part of the film is when most of the characters we know are there and then the film makes a leap of entertainment when their alternate versions arrive.

Tell me the alternate Rock Lee scene, I still remember and laugh, it's one of those scenes that will always make you laugh hahaha.

Plus the fact of appreciating or being given that gift of the What If that you accurately highlight the characters of Kushina and Minato, a film that is definitely worth seeing for the aspects that we both commented on


Tell me the alternate Rock Lee scene, I still remember and laugh, it's one of those scenes that will always make you laugh hahaha.



Ahahahaha that part really cracked me up! I didn't expect that the alternate Lee would be potrayed in that way. I really cringed when I saw the alternate of my favorite characters there (Kakashi, Neji and Shino!)—ahuhuhahahha I mean what happened to them?

But yeah—a world where Kushina and Minato lived was definitely a curious what if that the movie satisfied, and I'm glad Naruto briefly experienced that.


Es cierto que a veces los villanos pueden robarse el show, y tienes razón, la historia de Kushina y Minato es muy emotiva y llena de nostalgia. Me gusta mucho esta pelicula!