Daemon and his Strange Adventures at Harrenhal Episode 6 Review


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As a child I thought that when the phrase brother was pronounced it meant affection, understanding, a pillar of learning but over the years I realized that it is not so, often it is the opposite, it is conflict, it is abandonment, it is not necessarily intentional because what separates brothers is the path that each one decides to go.

In this review of chapter six of House of The Dragon with Spoilers we have noticed that Daemon has been on strange adventures in Harrenhal, at first I liked him for surrounding himself with the mystical, magical and darkness of the place but it is a plot that is difficult to start and has remained quite, now regardless of the above, I appreciate what I consider are some of those characters of season 1 or rather actors who have totally surprised me with their appearance in this season.

Viserys Targaryen is a character that I have noticed has remained in the hearts of the fans, many do not notice but admire him, we suffered all his suffering with him, his joys and his anger where several was for his brother, Daemon is a rustic man, rough, vindictive but despite this he is not bad, his feelings are good, he just does not know how to express them because he is a Targaryen of blood and fire.

I liked the gift that we were given in this chapter, few times we saw a show of affection between these two brothers, I remember two that are treasures within the series those scenes and now I add to that tiny collection this scene between the two of them that despite not being real, shows the pure and noble feelings of that demon called Daemon Targaryen.

In the video you will hear an extension of all this that I just wrote with the plus of my excitement to see this pair of characters back together, if you like the two of them, tell me in comments what you thought of this scene in the dark illusions cursed Harrenhal.

De pequeño pensaba que cuando se pronunciaba la frase hermano significaba cariño, comprensión, un pilar de aprendizaje pero con el pasar de los años me di cuenta que no es así, muchas veces es lo contrario, es conflicto, es abandono, no necesariamente es intencionado porque lo que separa a hermanos es el camino que cada uno decide recorrer.

En esta reseña del capitulo seis de House of The Dragon con Spoilers hemos notado que Daemon ha estado de aventuras extrañas en Harrenhal, al principio me agrado por rodearse de lo místico, mágico y tinieblas del lugar pero es una trama que cuesta arrancar y se ha quedado bastante, ahora independientemente de lo anterior, aprecio lo que considero son cámeos de esos personajes de la temporada 1 o mejor dicho actores que me han sorprendido totalmente con su aparición en esta temporada.

Viserys Targaryen es un personaje que he notado se ha quedado en el corazón de los fans, muchos no lo notan pero le admiran, sufrimos todo su padecimiento con el, sus alegrías y sus enojos donde varios era por su hermano, Daemon es un hombre rustico, tosco, vengativo pero a pesar de esto no es malo, sus sentimientos son buenos, solo que no sabe expresarlos porque es un Targaryen de sangre y fuego.

Me gusto el regalo que nos dieron en este capítulo, pocas veces vimos muestra de cariño entre estos dos hermanos, recuerdo dos que son tesoros dentro de la serie esas escenas y ahora añado a esa diminuta colección esta escena entre ellos dos que a pesar de no ser real, muestra los sentimientos puros y nobles de ese demonio llamado Daemon Targaryen.

En el video escucharan una extensión de todo esto que acabo de escribir con el plus de mi emoción al ver este par de personajes volver a estar juntos, si te agradan ellos dos, dime en comentarios que tal te pareció esta escena en las oscuras ilusiones malditas de Harrenhal.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



Brothers Forever, Source of Image



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Buena reseña,




Que te enseminemos dice, XD



Un personaje de poder el buen Daemon Targaryen