RE: Anime movies you should watch: Studio Ghibli Edition
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I loved the suggestion of The Secret Word of Arietty, as soon as I saw the cover and the name, I said to myself, I definitely want to know your world Arietty haha 😃 and from it I will take into account the rest of suggestions, I started just a few months ago to watch anime classics that I notice suggest in the community as Grave of The Fireflies and The Tale of The Princess Kaguya where the latter amazed me.
Now I have more suggestions where Arrietty is the one that captivated my attention, thank you for the recommendations 😎
Me ha encantado la sugerencia de The Secret Word of Arietty, apenas vi la portada y el nombre, me dije a mi mismo, definitivamente quiero conocer tu mundo Arietty jaja 😃 y a partir d eella tendre en cuenta el resto de sugerencias, empece apenas hace algunos meses a ver clásicos de anime que noto sugieren en la comunidad como Grave of The Fireflies y The Tale of The Princess Kaguya donde esta ultima me maravillo
Ahora tengo mas sugerencias donde Arrietty es la que cautivo mi atención, gracias por las recomendaciones 😎
You should definitely watch that movie, it's worth it ❤️🥰